Subject: Diversion Posted: 4/10/2010 Viewed: 36036 times
Dear all
How can i divert the whole current of a river stream except a fixed part of it by means of diversion?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Diversion Posted: 4/10/2010 Viewed: 36027 times
You can do this with instream flow requirements (FR). Put one FR on the main river just below the diversion, with the flow requirement being the flow that should NOT be diverted. Put another FR on the diversion, with a priority lower than the FR on the main river, and a very high flow requirement.
Dr. Mijail Arias Hidalgo
Subject: Re: Diversion Posted: 3/2/2011 Viewed: 34548 times
Nice topic, Jack; I have a further question. I have three natural wetlands that receive and supply water from and to a river only through natural overbanking. When I put a diversion in the river to simulate the outflow from that river onto the wetland, the resultant discharges are the "same" before and after the diversion. However there is a noticeable change when the reservoir gives water back to the river. I do not know why this weird situation takes place. Could you suggest some hint to solve this?