Subject: groundwater Posted: 4/3/2010 Viewed: 35235 times
Dear all
How can i estimate groundwater storage capacity and initial storage?
Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee
Subject: Re: groundwater Posted: 9/10/2010 Viewed: 34642 times
you have to have groundwater reports.
In Iran, I know that there is a short report which Ministry of Energy mentioned them. If you can not find, send me an email.
Subject: Re: groundwater Posted: 3/16/2016 Viewed: 17592 times
Hi Mehdi
I want to know how can i estimate initial storage ?
I Need help because i am working on groundwater and i don't know what kind of data i should enter in weap.i also would like to have your mail.I am in Cote d'Ivoire.
Eng. Majid Vali
Subject: Re: groundwater Posted: 3/22/2016 Viewed: 17498 times
Dear Laleh
if you have any report about your Aquifer that specifies storage coefficient or specific yeild and thickness of Aquifer in addition to surface area of Aquifer, you could estimate storage capacity by multiplying this three parameters.this is very simple and rough approach.because of heterogenety of Aquifer,Thyssen polygon or interpolation and Geostatistic should be used.for initial condition you need to have Hydraulic Head in Observation wells in the Aquifer in the initial time of your model and use Weighted Average method.
if your Aquifer was modelled with numerical codes such as Modflow,PHAST,FEM and ... you can use their models.