Subject: Searching for Water Resources Planner/Modeller with WEAP experience for EC funded project in GHANA Posted: 3/8/2010 Viewed: 34095 times
HYDROPHIL is looking for a Water Resources Planner/Modeller with strong WEAP skills
This position is for a Junior Expert, who will be employed for a maximum of 90 days (80 days working with the WRC and 10 days for Report Writing).
The Junior Expert must have a minimum of 3 years experience in Integrated Water Shed Management in sub-Saharan Africa, preferably with some of experience in West Africa/Ghana. S/He will hold at least a Degree in Integrated Water Resources Management or equivalent and shall have experience in the development of IWRM plans both at basin scale and at national level.
He/she shall be fluent in English (level 1 on EU CV Template)
Please contact me ( until 8 March (today!) 4 p.m. at the latest I will provide you with further information and what would be required from your side to apply for the post. Assignment would start April 2010 and you would have to sign a "Statement of Exclusivity and Availability":
April-May, 2010-20days
October,-November, 2010-35 days
March 2011-April 2011-25days (including Debriefing Meeting)
10 days for Reporting.
Topic "Searching for Water Resources Planner/Modeller with WEAP experience for EC funded project in GHANA"