Subject: setting supply Posted: 12/10/2009 Viewed: 32869 times
I have reservoir, streamflow, groundwater and desalination water as sources. I have a single demand. I would like to set the reservoir to be stored(i.e. no supply from the reservoir) during the some time of the timesteps(wet period of a year), and utlized it during another time steps.
Basically, I would like to supply water only from the groundwater, streamflow and desalination water when the reservoir is not in use. But some other timesteps, I would like to set the reservoir supply as the preferred supply of water, so that the stress on the other water uses can be reduced. Do you have any suggestion to model this thoughts?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: setting supply Posted: 12/10/2009 Viewed: 32858 times
I suggest setting the Supply Preference to 1 for the reservoir, and set to 2 for the groundwater, streamflow and desalination (or you could order these 2, 3 and 4 if you want), and then setting a flow restriction on the transmission link that connects the reservoir to the demand, so that the maximum flow is 0% of demand when the reservoir is not in use (which will force WEAP to use the other sources), and 100% of demand when the reservoir is in use.