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Kirsten Harma

Subject: stream temperature   
Posted: 9/15/2009 Viewed: 35837 times
I have three questions related to modeling temperature:

1) The “help” menu in the version I have of WEAP makes it seem like its possible to account for stream temperature (using a heat balance model?), but I don’t see anywhere in the model (ie, under Water Quality) to input values that would impact stream temperature. Am I missing something? How might I add information on stream temperature to my model?
2) I know that WEAP is currently not built to simulate water quality in reservoirs, but has anyone developed criteria to model temperature/water quality in reservoirs on their own?
3) Is anyone currently looking at the impact of timing, volume, and temperature released from reservoirs on fish needs? I've read the Yates Chinook report, but am wondering if any work has been done on this theme since then.


Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: stream temperature   
Posted: 9/16/2009 Viewed: 35826 times
1) Yes, WEAP does include a stream temperature model. To enable it, go to the menu: General, Water Quality Constituents. Add a constituent named 'Temperature,' and under 'Calculate By' choose 'Temperature (Modeled in WEAP).' In the Data View, go to Supply and Resources, River. Choose the Water Quality category, and make sure that the rivers for which you want to model temperature are checked off on the 'Model Water Quality?' tab. ( http://www.weap21.org/WebHelp/river_wq.htm )

To calculate water temperature for each river reach, you will need to enter climate data (air temperature, humidity, wind, and latitude, input in the Data view under the Climate tab for the reach: http://www.weap21.org/WebHelp/climate_data.htm ), and physical data, needed to estimate flow velocity and residence time in each reach (Distance Marker and the Flow-stage-width relationship: http://www.weap21.org/WebHelp/reach_wq.htm ).


Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee

Subject: Re: stream temperature   
Posted: 9/16/2009 Viewed: 35805 times
I used WEAP for temperature simulation and it works perfectly and Jack told you how.
For water quality modeling in a reservoir, you have to link another model to WEAP. It's not easy but you can use API and some practices in programming and then use a complex model.
We are developing a complex model like this. I think around 1 month later we reach to this model. If you want, you can contact me for more details.

Mr. Alex Bedig

Subject: Re: stream temperature   
Posted: 9/16/2009 Viewed: 35801 times
2) Working from one of David Yates's models, I have developed a vbscript 1D (vertical) reservoir temperature model that can interface with WEAP and return a value to the release temperature field of a Reservoir in the Supply and Resources branch. For input, the script requires:

1. Volume, Area, Elevation curve of reservoir.
2. Inflow/Release volume per timestep.
3. Reservoir latitude.
4. Air Temperature per timestep.
5. Relative Humidity per timestep.
6. Wind speed over reservoir per timestep.
7. Cloudiness Fraction per timestep.
8. Release elevation.
9. Initial reservoir temperature (isothermal).
10. Date of timestep.

The model is currently configured to work with WEAP areas that use a weekly timestep only. Changing that feature will require some additional work.

Let me know if what I have just described sounds like something that could work for your project. Running the script requires a new version of WEAP that will be released this fall. If you are interested, I will follow up with you regarding the reservoir temperature script after it has been tested on the final version of that new version of WEAP.

Kirsten Harma

Subject: Re: stream temperature   
Posted: 9/16/2009 Viewed: 35787 times
Thanks for the information! That does sound very useful. I'm currently using a daily timestep but could convert to weekly for the reservoir project. Please do let me know when your work on this is completed and ready for use!

Dr. David Purkey

Subject: Re: stream temperature   
Posted: 9/16/2009 Viewed: 35696 times
With regards to your third question, we are doing work to link WEAP output on Q and T to a Salmon life cycle model SalMod. Send me an e-mail if you would like more information (dpurkey@sei-us.org)
Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee

Subject: Re: stream temperature   
Posted: 11/7/2009 Viewed: 35535 times
We are really near to linking a reservoir quality modeling to WEAP. I hope that around one month later I publish it for all.

Isabela Suaza Sierra

Subject: Re: stream temperature   
Posted: 11/7/2022 Viewed: 4166 times
Hi, Mr. Alex Bedig

I will work with WEAP to find the vertical profile temperature of some reservoirs in Texas/Oklahoma. And I just saw that you have a model to find them. So, I was wondering if you could share with me that model.

Thank you so much!
Topic "stream temperature"