Subject: Current day hydrology and water supply Posted: 8/24/2009 Viewed: 40363 times
Dear all.
I'm Alexis and doing a final dissertation for my master program in Integrated Water Resources Management. My topic is related to water resources management in the Ruvubu basin-Burundi. I’m focusing on the current and future water demand in order to set the best water allocation option in the basin. So, I would like to set the reference scenario using Current day hydrology. How can I calculate the water supply for future scenarios referring to that reference scenario? For example, the high agriculture scenario was defined referring to the potential irrigation area which is 1720 ha. The current irrigation area is 500 ha. I expect that in 2025 from current year, all the potential area will be occupied by rice crop and the annual water use rate is estimated at 4480m3/year.The water for irrigation is abstracting from the Ruvubu river.
Can I compute the expected water demand for 2025, then abstract it from the present river flow(gage station flows) and compare it with the current day hydrology which i think is the deference between currently water availability in the river and current water use( for last Account year which is 2007 in my case).
Any suggestion and idea about that is almost welcome
Thank you in advance
Miss Malavika Mysore
Subject: Re: Current day hydrology and water supply Posted: 8/31/2009 Viewed: 40356 times
Hi Alexis,
Subject: Re: Current day hydrology and water supply Posted: 9/1/2009 Viewed: 40348 times
I hope that get your question exactly.
You can define any changing for irrigation area growth by functions which is predicted in WEAP.
It means that you can change them base on current's scenario. you need just open expression builder instead of entering a number.