Subject: APLYING WEAP IN A WATERSHED IN COLOMBIA Posted: 7/26/2009 Viewed: 41056 times
I'm a student of civil engineering from the University of Quindio (Colombia) and I'm interested in applying WEAP to the watershed of the Quindío River, I wanna know what posibles restrictions could have on a watershed and what places in my country has been using WEAP.
Also,i would like to know hot to get a license.
Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee
Subject: Re: APLYING WEAP IN A WATERSHED IN COLOMBIA Posted: 11/7/2009 Viewed: 41014 times
My Dear!
Your question is from minus infinity to plus infinity!! let us know what do you want exactly.
Start with tutorial, work with it. Try to make a simple layout for your basin and then just work it!
if you get any problem, I am around!
Dr. Marisa Escobar
Subject: Re: APLYING WEAP IN A WATERSHED IN COLOMBIA Posted: 11/9/2009 Viewed: 41001 times
Dear Paula,
This is the link to the publications of one application in Colombia:
Also, I know of another application from a student at the Javeriana University in Bogota, and the interest from a group of researchers of Escuela de Ingenieria de Antioquia to apply WEAP in the same watershed you want to apply it too. You may contact me directly with further questions.
Subject: Re: APLYING WEAP IN A WATERSHED IN COLOMBIA Posted: 12/21/2009 Viewed: 40851 times
Hola, Paula
Soy Ingeniera Agr�cola y actualmente intento utilizar el WEAP en las cuencas del Valle, me encuentro apenas iniciando, pero veo que hemos presentado los mismos problemas.
Espero podamos compartir experiencias.
From Google Translation:
Hey, Paula
Agricultural Engineering and now I try to use WEAP in river valley, I'm just starting, but I see that we have presented the same problems.
I hope we can share experiences.
Mr. Marlon Calispa
Subject: Re: APLYING WEAP IN A WATERSHED IN COLOMBIA Posted: 2/26/2010 Viewed: 40473 times
Hi, you could check this link: it contains some articles about using WEAP in some basins in Peru.