Subject: PET algorithm Posted: 5/19/2009 Viewed: 39604 times
I would like to know what's the equation used to calculate the PET in the program, because I've read part of the User Guide but itsn't too clear respect the topic of PET, and just mentions that the program uses the Penman-Montieth expression.
I would like to know the complete expression and how the parameters are used in.
If anyone knows the answer, let me know please.
Thank you.
Dr. Alon Rimmer
Subject: Re: PET algorithm Posted: 5/19/2009 Viewed: 39597 times
Dear Marlon Calispa,
Details about the Penman-Monteith algorithm you may find in: It includes (almost) everything about PET calculations.
Have fun,
Dr. Alon Rimmer,
Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research,
The Lake Kinneret Limnological Laboratory,
P.O.B. 447, Migdal 14950
Tel. +972-(0)4-6721444 ext. 212
Fax. +972-(0)4-6724627
Mobile +972-(0)54-4909320
E-mail: Web: Now in sabbatical leave at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
Mr. Marlon Calispa
Subject: Re: PET algorithm Posted: 5/20/2009 Viewed: 39583 times
The information you provided is very useful for my work.