Subject: question Posted: 5/14/2009 Viewed: 35191 times
Hi I’ve just finished university and I’m about to make my final project (thesis), and my lead teacher told me to run some simulation programs, specifically WEAP, EPIC and HEC, that’s it… I won’t do a field experiment to confirm any of the program’s outcomes; it’s a small project. So my question is. How do I set my title, what I may evaluate of every program? Should I group other programs more related? The level of incomes needed to each program? Or I just put: Application of three simulation models in some watershed…. And the assess what? ...
I hope I was clear enough, and if somebody got an idea, please let me know I’ll be very grateful
Mr. Marlon Calispa
Subject: Re: question Posted: 5/20/2009 Viewed: 35146 times
Could you be a bit more specific about your project, to see if we can help you.