Subject: Streamflow Gauge Posted: 5/12/2009 Viewed: 35962 times
Dear All,
I would like to compare WEAPs simulation with observed discharges. Having placed the streamflow gauge at the point of observation, after the simulation, the results for the gauge only show the observed values but not the simulation ones. I have used the ReadFromFile method for the observed values. How can I visually see both simulation and observed values on the graph?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Streamflow Gauge Posted: 5/12/2009 Viewed: 35952 times
To see how closely the calculated streamflow compares to the observed gauge dat, in the Results View, go to Supply and Resources \ River \ Streamflow Relative to Gauge (Absolute) or Supply and Resources \ River \ Streamflow Relative to Gauge (%). "Absolute" will show the absolute difference between calculated and observed streamflow (calculated - observed); "%" will show the percentage difference ( (calculated - observed) / observed ).
Mr. Alberto de Tomás
Subject: Re: Streamflow Gauge Posted: 6/8/2011 Viewed: 32536 times
Regarding that, when you want to compare observed vs calculated, you must select from the list the streamflow gauge and the catchment inflow node below the gauge or the reach above the gauge?? what is the difference between them??