Subject: New Publications involving WEAP Posted: 3/5/2008 Viewed: 49023 times
New Publications involving WEAP Jack Sieber jsieber I just posted two new papers on the WEAP Publications page ( If you have written or know of other publications involving WEAP, please let me know.
Best regards, Jack Application of the Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) Model to Assess Future Water Demands and Resources in the Olifants Catchment, South Africa By Roberto Arranz and Matthew McCartney Working Paper 116, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 2007.
Being able to assess the ability of a catchment to satisfy potential water demands is crucial for water resource planning. In this study, a scenario analysis approach was used in combination with the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) model, to assess the impacts of possible future demands on the water resources of the Olifants River catchment, South Africa. The WEAP model was used to simulate water demand in five different sectors; rural, urban, mining, commercial forestry and irrigation. For each scenario the model provided data on unmet demands and the impacts on river flow. The implications of construction of new water infrastructure and improved demand management were assessed. The study illustrates the value of scenarios linked to simple modeling tools, to provide insight for resource planning. Public Policies for Groundwater Conservation: A Vulnerability Analysis in Irrigation Agriculture By Consuelo Varela-Ortega1, Paloma Esteve1, Sukaina Bharwani, Thomas E. Downing Report presented at CAIWA 2007: International Conference on Adaptive & Integrated Water Management, Coping with complexity and uncertainty, Basel, Switzerland, November 2007.
Increasing competition for water resources is becoming a major social, economic and environmental problem in many arid and semiarid regions worldwide. Spain is the most arid country in Europe and water use as well as water depletion and environmental degradation have slowly become a matter of social concern. Water issues and region-based rivalry for water are progressively high in the political agendas and public debates, as societal concern towards the nation's distribution of water property rights and towards environmental issues expand progressively in the Spanish society.
In the Upper Guadiana basin (UGB), situated in Spain's inland southern region of Castilla-La Mancha, groundwater has been the major driver for developing irrigated agriculture and hence for sustaining thriving rural livelihoods. In the last decades, the ever-mounting expansion of groundwater irrigated agriculture has been fostered by yield-based Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) programs, the development of modern hydrology and irrigation technologies and private initiative (Varela-Ortega, 2007a, Llamas and Martinez-Santos, 2006). Easy access, low infrastructure costs and high profitability, have encouraged individual farmers to invest in ground water irrigation transformations that have ensued impressive welfare achievements of a former stagnated region. However, uncontrolled irrigation development has led to the over-exploitation of the large Western La Mancha aquifer and the deterioration of the valuable internationally reputed Ramsar-catalogued wetlands of 'Las Tablas de Daimiel'.