Subject: New Version of WEAP Posted: 3/5/2008 Viewed: 37598 times
New Version of WEAP Jack Sieber jsieber
I have just posted a new version of WEAP, with the changes listed below.
To get the new version, go to or from inside WEAP, choose Help, Check on Internet for New Version. (Some people have had problems recently updating from inside WEAP. If you have problems, please download the full version from the WEAP website and install it on top of your existing version. You do not need to uninstall WEAP first.)
You can also download the latest Tutorial, which covers the new MODFLOW-related features, from
3/4/08, v. 2.2031
* Create MODFLOW linkage shape file in WEAP: Using parameters from the MODFLOW discretization file and user-supplied parameters, WEAP can create a GIS shape file that can be used to link a WEAP model to a MODFLOW model. This means that separate GIS software, such as ArcMap, is not required to link MODFLOW to WEAP. Go to General, MODFLOW Link. Click button "Choose shape file that...." Choose < Create new shape file > under "Background shape file with MODFLOW linkage information" WEAP can handle irregular MODFLOW grids (where the rows or column widths vary). Also, it can handle either UTM and latitude/longitude shape files. * Support of confined and multi-aquifer systems (MODFLOW): On the "Link to MODFLOW" screen, click the "Define Aquifers" button to specify which MODFLOW layers should be grouped into which aquifers. In the Results View, there are two new reports in the MODFLOW section: "Groundwater Inflows and Outflows by Layer" (available only if the MODFLOW model has more than one layer) and "Groundwater Inflows and Outflows by Aquifer" (available only if the MODFLOW model has more than one layer and you have created more than one aquifer). * Access to MODFLOW results in expressions: To access MODFLOW results for individual cells, use PrevTSValue(MODFLOWVariableName[layer, row, column], ...), for example, PrevTSValue(Cell Head[1,57,30], 1, 12, 2) will give the minimum value of the cell head elevation for layer 1, row 57, column 30 over the previous twelve months. In API, use WEAP.ResultValue(MODFLOWVariableName[layer, row, column], ...), for example, WEAP.ResultValue("Cell Head[1, 57, 30]", 2005, 1) * Display results in units of flow (e.g., CFS): For any results in the Results View that use volume units, such as cubic meters or acre feet (e.g., Streamflow, Supply Requirement), the results can now be display also in flow units (e.g., cubic meters per second or cubic feet per second). * Catchment results in mm: See catchment results (e.g., Land Class Inflows and Outflows) in terms of depth, such as in mm, in addition to volume (cubic meters) and flow (cubic meters per second) units. * Improved inflows and outflows reports: these reports (such as Groundwater Inflows and Outflows) now have more details on flows; choose "Selected Sources and Destinations" above the legend to choose a subset to display * Climate data can vary by land use: One can choose whether all land use branches within a catchment will have the same climate data, or whether each branch can have different climate data. This second option might be necessary if there is a large variation in the elevation among different land uses within a catchment. Alternatively, the catchment could be divided into several different catchment nodes according to elevation, so that the climate within each catchment did not vary by land use. Go to General, Basic Parameters to make the choice. * Cloudiness fraction for catchments: New variable "Cloudiness fraction" for catchments and river reaches (on which river water temperature is calculated), to help refine the calculation of net solar radiation. * Select branches in Results View: Now you can choose a subset of branches to display in the Results View. * New API functions BranchExists and VariableExists: Test if a branch or variable exists from the API, e.g., IF WEAP.BranchExists("\Demand Sites\Big City") THEN ..., or IF WEAP.Branch("\Demand Sites and Catchments\Upper Watershed").VariableExists("Wind") THEN ... * New API property Branch.Variable: Can be used to refer to a named variable for a branch, e.g., WEAP.Branch("\Demand Sites\South City").Variable("Consumption").Expression = 30 * Incremental calculation in the API: The API function "Calculate" now takes optional parameters to specify how far to calculate. E.g., WEAP.Calculate(2005, 6) will stop calculations at the 6th timestep of 2005. * Speed up for API: Making WEAP not visible (WEAP.Visible = False) now results in faster calculations when using the API.