Subject: Area Vs Elevation in WEAP Posted: 2/11/2008 Viewed: 36451 times
Area Vs Elevation in WEAP Tadesse Alemayehu tadalm Dear Sir/Madam,
I am working my MSc thesis to assess the water level fluctuation of Lake Tana, source of Blue Nile, due to water resource development projects. I know that WEAP can work volume Vs elevation at the end of each month. But I am more interested in Area Vs elevation, so would you help me how to tackle this issue using WEAP?
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Subject: Re: Area Vs Elevation in WEAP Posted: 2/13/2008 Viewed: 36436 times
Re: Area Vs Elevation in WEAP Tendai Sawunyama tendai1 Tadesse
If you are interested in Area vs Elevation then you will have to covert the volumes to areas using the relationship: Area=aCapacity exponent b, where a and b are constants that are derived from area vs capacity (volume) of the dam. I would assume the Lake have area vs capacity relationships already existing so that it will be easy for you to establish the constants a and b
Mr Tendai Sawunyama PhD Research Fellow Institute for Water Research Rhodes University P O Box 94,Grahamstown,6140, South Africa Phone:[+27][0]46 6224014,Fax:[+27][0]466229427 Cell: +27 76 628 0240 Website:,