Subject: New Version of WEAP Posted: 11/27/2007 Viewed: 31937 times
New Version of WEAP Jack Sieber jsieber jack.sieber@sei-us.orgI have just posted a new version of WEAP, and added a chapter to the Tutorial on linking WEAP to MODFLOW.
To get the newest WEAP, go to or from inside WEAP, choose Help, Check on Internet for New Version. The newest version includes the Tutorial dataset for linking to MODFLOW, so it you want to work through this exercise, you will need the new version of WEAP.
The following are the changes made to WEAP. There are even short videos demonstrating the new features--see the links below to
MODFLOW Tutorial: New Tutorial chapter about linking WEAP to MODFLOW, with matching dataset.
Individual result values in status bar: Move the mouse over any line or bar in a chart (in the Data View, Results View or Overview View) and its value will be displayed in the WEAP status bar below. (No need to click the mouse.) See a video demonstration:
Schematic elements named in Status bar: Move the mouse over any WEAP element (e.g., Demand Site, River, Reservoir) in the Schematic View and its name will be displayed in the WEAP status bar below. (No need to click the mouse.)
Zoom and pan result charts: To zoom in on charts in the Data and Results Views, hold down the control key and click and drag a rectangle on the chart. To zoom in, click and drag from upper left to lower right. To zoom back out again, click and drag from lower right to upper left. When zoomed in, hold the shift key and click and drag to pan the chart. These shortcut keys--control drag to zoom, shift drag to pan--also work on the Schematic.
Easily change labels for background layers: Right click on a background layer name (e.g., Country) and choose the label to use on the "Set label to" menu.
Edit shape file data: Double click the background layer name in the Schematic to edit the values in its attribute table. See a video demonstration: