Subject: Losses in supply infrastructure Posted: 11/6/2007 Viewed: 34496 times
Losses in supply infrastructure Refik Samet samet friends,
I am interested in modeling the losses in supply infrastructure using WEAP. Does anybody have any experience to determine where the losses are greatest in supply infrastructure?
Arthur Chapman
Subject: Losses in supply infrastructure Posted: 11/8/2007 Viewed: 34486 times
Losses in supply infrastructure Arthur Chapman achapman Samet asked:
"I am interested in modeling the losses in supply infrastructure using WEAP. Does anybody have any experience to determine where the losses are greatest in supply infrastructure? "
The greatest losses are usually in urban areas, particularly where the distribution infrastructure is ageing.
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Deleted User
Subject: RE: Losses in supply infrastructure Posted: 11/8/2007 Viewed: 34481 times
RE: Losses in supply infrastructure Jeff Rempel jeffreyrempel Refik,
As part of a groundwater management strategy that I developed for the City of Calgary in 2005 we estimated urban groundwater recharge from surface wat er fed supply mains.
According to the folks i spoke to from city infrastructure - waterworks, th ey lose approximately 12 % of water from the water main connections and L's . I would suggest that connections would be responsible for the majority o f losses but do not have a reference for you.
Jeff M. Rempel, B.Sc. President / Owner - PhilEco Environmental Consulting Joint Masters in Water and Coastal Management - M.Sc. Candidate University of Plymouth, UK Ph: 0 7964396802
Dr. Mohammad Rayej
Subject: Supply Losses Posted: 11/8/2007 Viewed: 34460 times
Supply Losses Mohammad Rayej rayej, major losses in supply infrastructure (Storage and Conveyance) are direct evaporation and seepage. where both can be modeled by WEAP.
On Storage side, direct evaporation is a major loss which can be explicitly specified in WEAP's Reservoir module.
On Conveyance side, "irrecoverable" seepage loss and evaporation can be modeled as loss in Transmission Link expressed a fraction of supply delivered at the upstream end of the Link. The "recoverable" seepage losses, however, can be captured and routed to a ground water element in WEAP.
************************************************************** Mohammad Rayej, Ph.D., P.E. Senior Engineer, W.R. California Department of Water Resources Statewide Water Planning Branch 901 P Street, 2nd Floor Sacramento, CA 94236 (916)-653-8017