Subject: WEAP on Landscape Level Posted: 1/28/2025 Viewed: 509 times
Hi all,
for my Master Thesis I will study the impact weirs (as "small" reservoirs) will have on water availability, storage and groundwater-surface interaction on a landscape level, ca. 5km x 5km.
Do you think it is possible to apply WEAP for the surface water hydrological modelling or is it not practical to use on a landscape level?
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: WEAP on Landscape Level Posted: 1/28/2025 Viewed: 502 times
In WEAP, you could model many reservoirs. WEAP can model actively operated reservoirs which can release water based on downstream demand, or can model passive reservoirs, which fill water until the storage overflows on top of the weir. The surface-groundwater interactions and evaporation of these reservoirs can be modeled as well.
WEAP models hydrology using multiple, lumped catchments. But, also has the ability to enter inflows/outflows from an external model as well. Inflows to surface water and to groundwater enter the model domain at specific, discrete points in the model schematic. Each discrete river reach and reservoir also calculates the inflow and outflow at specific locations. Whether or not WEAP will work for your project may depend on if these type of hydrology calculations will work.