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All Topics | Topic "Why is the area not displayed after adding the vector layer"
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Miss Wenying Ren

Subject: Why is the area not displayed after adding the vector layer   
Posted: 4/9/2020 Viewed: 14224 times
I chose a region,a shpfile (Arcgis) was then added to the area, but the layer was not shown in WEAP.Why?
Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: Why is the area not displayed after adding the vector layer   
Posted: 4/10/2020 Viewed: 14163 times
Most likely your shapefile is in a different coordinate system or projection. Please see the forum thread "adding the GIS layer" for more help with this problem.

Dr. Hossein Babazadeh

Subject: Re: Why is the area not displayed after adding the vector layer   
Posted: 4/15/2020 Viewed: 14171 times

I think your layer georeference is not correct or not match with other layers of WEAP default. So, I suggest looking at the WEAP help, you could find the proper georeference of the vector layers.


Mr. Nalain E Muhammad

Subject: Re: Why is the area not displayed after adding the vector layer   
Posted: 4/20/2020 Viewed: 14169 times
Mam,I am also facing the same problem

Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: Why is the area not displayed after adding the vector layer   
Posted: 5/1/2020 Viewed: 14108 times
Dear Nalain,
The most common problem is that your GIS layer is not in the same projection as the pre-loaded GIS layers in WEAP.

If the responses to existing GIS questions posed on the forum do not solve your problem, please start a new thread and provide more details about the problem you are having--what projection is your file in? Does the shapefile appear outside of your area or not at all? Does the file name appear in the list of GIS layers in WEAP (along with the pre-loaded layers: Major Rivers, Cities, States, Country, and Ocean)?

Topic "Why is the area not displayed after adding the vector layer"