Subject: Viewing Water Availability & Calibration Problem Posted: 12/17/2018 Viewed: 10702 times
How do I view water availability in my catchment after all water demand requirements have been satisfied?
In the result view can water availability be viewed under the streamflow, Reach before withdrawal node or Reach after withdrawal node.
Secondly, I would like to ask what simulated streamflow data is and how can I calibrate simulated and observed streamflow in WEAP, and how do I calculate and view the errors in WEAP
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Viewing Water Availability & Calibration Problem Posted: 12/17/2018 Viewed: 10697 times
Hi Funke,
I'm going to address the first part of your post. The question of calibration is quite a long discussion.
The streamflow before the withdrawal node reflects the water availability for that withdrawal node. Similarly, you can look at Supply and Resources>Groundwater Storage or Supply and Resources>Reservoir Storage Volume to ascertain the water availability from those sources. (Keeping in mind that WEAP may not consider all these volumes "available", depending on whether you have Flow Requirements set up on your River, Maximum Withdrawals on your Groundwater, an Inactive level>0 on your Reservoir, etc.)
Simulated streamflow data is the streamflow that WEAP calculates to be occurring and is what you are viewing when you look at the Streamflow results for different reaches. To compare this to observed streamflow, you can add a Streamflow Gauge and upload your observed data using the ReadFromFile wizard. (Once you add a Streamflow Gauge in the schematic, you can add data to it. The Gauge will appear in the data tree under Supply and Resources>River>River Name>Streamflow Gauges.) You can then look at the Supply and Resources>River>Streamflow Relative to Gauge report to compare simulated and observed flows. The comparison is made between the gauge data and the simulated results at the river node immediately above the gauge.
Dr. Mary Funke Olabanji
Subject: Streamflow challenge Posted: 12/18/2018 Viewed: 10665 times
Thanks for the explanation on viewing simulated streamflow but my confusion is should the simulated flow be viewed under supply/resources/river/streamflow/reach above the streamflow guage?
And how do I calculate the absolute error for the weap calibration and validation.e.g the Nash sculfe function or the least square error function. Plz I need guideline of how to calculate it. Thanks for helping.
Topic "Viewing Water Availability & Calibration Problem"