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All Topics | Topic "adding the GIS layer"
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Miss jia yalin

Subject: adding the GIS layer   
Posted: 5/11/2018 Viewed: 12449 times

When the study area is delimited,and adding the GIS layer, the added raster or vector position data belongs to which coordinate system?
Mr. Ahmid Nacereddine

Subject: Re: adding the GIS layer   
Posted: 5/13/2018 Viewed: 12428 times
hello, I think it's UTM I try to add rester image but I use Universal Maps Downloader with google earth and it's work I wish that will help you.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: adding the GIS layer   
Posted: 5/14/2018 Viewed: 12415 times

WEAP's default projection is the World Coordinate System WGS 1984. However, you can change the projection for your area. I recommend doing this before you build any WEAP nodes in your model. You start by deleting all the pre-loaded shapefiles until you have one left (WEAP wants you to have at least one shapefile) and then uploading your shapefile with your preferred projection. You won't see it, but you will be able to delete the other shapefile.

As soon as you do that, WEAP assumes your new projection. You may need to reset the area boundaries around your new shapefile.

If you had already built WEAP nodes before changing the projection, you will have to reproject the shape file that displays those elements in the new the projection. It will be in the WEAP Areas folder for your model.

Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: adding the GIS layer   
Posted: 5/16/2018 Viewed: 12409 times
See the WEAP Help topic on Background Maps for more information: http://www.weap21.org/WebHelp/Background_Layers.htm

Miss jia yalin

Subject: Re: adding the GIS layer   
Posted: 5/21/2018 Viewed: 12388 times
thank you
Miss Ada Liz Arancibia

Subject: Re: adding the GIS layer   
Posted: 5/7/2021 Viewed: 8811 times
I try to do that, delete all the layers but didnt work. Maybe because I work the shape files with QGIS?
When I loaded the new layer, it appears in the preview windown, but after closing that windown, doesnt appear in the background area.

Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: adding the GIS layer   
Posted: 5/12/2021 Viewed: 8780 times
Dear Ada,
Creating the shapefiles in QGIS should not be a problem.

Are you trying to add the shapefile to an existing model? If your model is not empty (ie you have rivers, demand sites, or catchments, etc) when you're trying to add the new shapefile, it is likely that your WEAP nodes are in a different projection from the shapefile you wish to add.

In this case you have 2 options:
1) start a new, blank model and bring your shapefile in before adding any WEAP nodes to make sure all your work is in the same projection
2) find your WEAP model shapefile (that contains the rivers, demand sites, etc that you have added) in your model WEAP Areas folder. Open this shapefile in GIS software and reproject it to match the shapefile you want to bring in to WEAP. Replace the original model shapefile with the reprojected shapefile.

Topic "adding the GIS layer"