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All Topics | Topic "Irrigation scheduling"
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Subject: Irrigation scheduling   
Posted: 3/24/2017 Viewed: 13550 times
The software is giving water demand for crops on monthly basis. How do the monthly water demand can be converted to daily using the WEAP?

Also in the MABIA method, I have given meteorological data and other required data for calculating crop water requirement. The data includes values for potential yield and market price under yield data.But no results can be seen under crop yield. kindly suggest possible measures to deal with the problem.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Irrigation scheduling   
Posted: 3/27/2017 Viewed: 13130 times
Dear Siji,

To change the model to a daily model, in the Schematic or Data View, go to the General Menu and select "Years and Times Steps." There, instead of having 12 time steps per year, choose to have 365 time steps per year. As you have probably noticed, the MABIA method always uses daily climate data and does its calculations on a daily basis, regardless of the timestep for the WEAP area. (If the area timestep is not daily, the daily MABIA results, including irrigation requirements, are aggregated to the area timestep.)

Keep in mind that once you change your time step to daily, you will have to enter all your data as daily data. It also may change the scope of your model. WEAP acts as though the water runs from the top of your modeled system to the end of the system in a single time step. For a daily time step, this is a much shorter distance than for a monthly time step. Choose carefully.

As for your results under crop yield, have you checked that all the variables are selected correctly. For example, are you looking at the correct demand site? WEAP can surprise you with how it defaults to charts, so I recommend studying all aspects of it very carefully to ensure it's what you want to be viewing.

Topic "Irrigation scheduling"