Subject: River Discharge and Calibration Posted: 3/23/2016 Viewed: 16787 times
Hello WEAP users,
I am new here! I want to simulate the river discharge on 3 hydro station on bagmati river and calibration. I set current account year 2014 and reference scenarios 2015-2030. Data available with me is from 1963 to 2000. Is it possible to simulate the river discharge.
If so, how I can calibrate the model using discharge parameter? Please help how to perform these tasks
Thank you
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: River Discharge and Calibration Posted: 3/23/2016 Viewed: 16779 times
Welcome to the WEAP user forum.
Before I can answer you question, can you tell me how you are modeling the river flow? Are you using catchments, and if so, which method?
Mr. Chitresh Saraswat
Subject: Re: River Discharge and Calibration Posted: 3/26/2016 Viewed: 16715 times
Thank you Stephanie for kind reply.
Yes, I am using catchments, I have 5 catchments, for respective reservoirs and using rainfall runoff (simplified coefficient method).
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: River Discharge and Calibration Posted: 3/27/2016 Viewed: 16706 times
Dear Chitresh,
To calibrate the model, first you'll want to determine the areas of your catchments using GIS. Here's a great set of instructions to do that: Make sure that your "pour points" are the places where you have data for river discharge. We usually delineate between land use types as well. This ensures that the precipitation you plug into your model in the catchment information will "rain" on the correct size and type of area to generate your streamflow. This information can also be estimated.
Next, enter your streamflow data into streamflow gauge elements in the WEAP model. You can compare your simulated streamflow with your observed streamflow data in the Results View: Supply and Resources/River/Streamflow Relative to Gauge. I would use your data from the historic period 1963-2000 to calibrate your model. For best practice, you can examine both calibration and validation periods. You want your modeled and observed streamflow to be as close as possible: often we use the Nash Sutcliffe value to quantify how well our model fits the data.
You can calibrate manually (I recommend using scenarios to be able to see the impacts of the changes you made) or use PEST, which you can read about in the WEAP help menu.
When you are satisfied with your calibration, you can switch the dates of your model to go until 2060. Just remember that you will need climate data for this period. You can either cycle your data from the past (see the video about the ReadFromFile Wizard at or input new data if you're examining a changing climate.
Mr. Sunny Agarwal
Subject: Re: River Discharge and Calibration Posted: 4/11/2016 Viewed: 16633 times
Respected mam, I am not getting results in Resources/River/Streamflow Relative to Gauge. Can you guide me what may be the issues
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: River Discharge and Calibration Posted: 4/11/2016 Viewed: 16627 times
Do you mean the chart is gray with no lines it in? Have you plugged gauge data into your model?
Another way you can compare your results is to go into Supply and Resources/River/Streamflow (in the results section). On the right, in the dropdown menu with the variables, choose, "selected [river name] nodes and reaches" and select your gauge and the river reach below it. This compares the gauge data and the model data for the same area.