Subject: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/24/2011 Viewed: 101043 times
I would like to compile a list of universities that are using WEAP in a course on water resources. If you are a student in a university course that is using WEAP (now or within the past year), or a professor teaching a class in which WEAP is used, please post a reply on the WEAP Forum to this message (see link below: "View thread or reply").
Please include the course title, the department and university name, and whether it is an undergraduate or graduate course. If the department has a web site, please include the web address.
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/24/2011 Viewed: 100972 times
I use WEAP in my graduate course
Course: CE385D Water Resources Planning and Management ( then choose "Assignments" and scroll down to "10-Feb")
Dept: Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Department
Univ: University of texas at Austin.
Level: Graduate
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/24/2011 Viewed: 100963 times
Mr. Sieber:
We are planning to use WEAP in an undergraduate course.
Héctor Tuy
Instituto de Agricultura, Recursos Naturales y Ambiente
Tel: (502) 2426 2626 ext 2654
Fax: (502) 2426 2626 ext 2649
Cel: (502) 5986 9103
Mr. behzad jamali
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/24/2011 Viewed: 100956 times
I am M.Sc. student of Water Resources engineering In Irrigation and Reclamation Engineering Department. we are using WEAP in a course on water resources, to learn how we can use WEAP to simulate water allocation scenarios spatially in reservoirs.
our department and university name is:
"Irrigation and Reclamation Engineering Department, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran, IRAN"
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/24/2011 Viewed: 100950 times
I am FOPAH LELE Armand, student in specialized ingineering Master in water resources management at International Institute of Water and Environmental Engineering (Fondation 2IE).
We have used WEAP in the graduate course entitled GIRE (IWRM) to learn how to plan water resources in a basin and good managing.
the institute has a website:
Dr. Karim Musalem
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/24/2011 Viewed: 100946 times
We used WEAP at a course last year 2010.
Name of the course: Integrated Watershed Management
University: El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Mexico)
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur ( is a Higher Education and Research Centre financed by the National Science and Technology Council. In this case we gave the course in Chiapas, Mexico.
We had three proffesors Salvador Hernández, Juan Suarez, and myself.
This was a graduate course given to M Sc students.
Hope this is of help.
Mr. Bereket Tesfatsion
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/24/2011 Viewed: 100934 times
I am doing my project in WEAP and my professor (Dr. David Rosenberg) will be conducting one lab exercise on using WEAP. I am in the process of preparing the lab instruction and necessary data set.
Course Name: CEE 6490: Integrated River Basin / Watershed Planning and Management -- Spring 2011(graduate course)
Civil & Environmental Engineering, Utah State University
Hope that helps.
Dr. Muhammad Tousif Bhatti
Subject: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/24/2011 Viewed: 100835 times
We are planning to include WEAP in a graduate course at our Centre. Moreover, few MS students are also interested to start their research thesis on application of WEAP.
Dr Muhammad Tousif Bhatti
Assistant Professor
Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering,
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore,
Prof. El Mansouri Bouabid
Subject: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100860 times
We are planing to use WEAP in Water Resources Management courses for Msc Students.
Some works with WEAP for Msc Theisis are already done .
Sincerly Yours
Pr El Mansouri B.
University Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, Morocco.
Mr. Yonas Girma
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100856 times
Hi, my Name is Yonas Girma, I am teaching in Hawassa University, Ethiopia. Currently I am offering a course on computer applications in Irrigation and water resources Engineering (Department of Irrigation and Water resources engineering, an undergraduate program). As part of the course, I am planning to introduce WEAP to my students.
Dr. Yavar Pourmohamad
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100852 times
Mr. Sieber
I'm doing my MS project with Dr. Ali Shahnazari. we are using WEAP for this project "Integrated water resources management, case study: ALborz".
The course title is Water management engineering, Agricultural Science and natural resource university of sari (Iran), Graduate course. Department Website: i think there is problem in university's Website but it would be ok now days.
hope this info be useful.
Dr. Kibebew Kibret Tsehai
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100847 times
I am Kibebew Kibret.
I am using WEAP for teaching courses 'Water Resources Management' and 'Introduction to environmental Hydrology' for undergraduate students in the School of Natural Resources Management and planning to use it for research purposes in the near future.
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100843 times
Hello Mr Sieber
we use Weap last year for our course "Master's in Integrated water resources management" at International Institute for water and environmental Engineering 2iE (Ouagadougou- Burkina faso). Our Professor was Mr Sotter from EPFL Switzerland. the site web of the institute is:
Mr. Frank Ohene Annor
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100837 times
Department: Civil Engineering Department
Level: Postgraduate programme in Water Resources Engineering and Management
University: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST),Kumasi, Ghana
web address:
Lecturer, Civil Eng. Dept.
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100831 times
I use weap for my project about moat river in Xi'an China.I,m a beginner,so i hope we can learn from each other.
Name of the course: water quality monitoring and mangement in
Xian city moat
University: Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology
Depatment:Environment and municipal engineering school.
Dr. Andrea Sulis
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100829 times
Dear Jack
I use WEAP in my graduate course
Course: Laboratory on Complex Water System Analysis
Dept: Land Engineering Department
Univ: University of Cagliari (Italy)
Level: Graduate
Also some students used WEAP in graduate Thesis.
Dr. Nurmohamed Riad
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100825 times
Water resources management
ADEK University of Suriname,Dept. Infrastructure
MSc programme in Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and
Prof. Luciano Fleischfresser
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100815 times
Dear Jack Sieber,
we have used WEAP last year in a Water Reuse graduate class here at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Campo Mourão. We also have an undergraduate student working on water allocation scenarios for the city.
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100790 times
Mr. Eric Vaughan
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100780 times
Hi Jack,
Dr. Annette Huber-Lee and Dr. Eric Kemp-Benedict use WEAP in their Integrated Water Resource Management course at Tufts University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Mijail Arias Hidalgo
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100770 times
Dear Jack, in ESPOL, Guayaquil - Ecuador, WEAP is taught as simulation tool for the Matematical Modelling course in a MSc Programme on Environmental Engineering.
Ir. Mijail Arias Hidalgo,
MSc. Water Science and Engineering
PhD Fellow Researcher
Hydroinformatics and Knowledge Management
Prof. Petra Döll
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100750 times
Dear Jack,
I use WEAP in the graduate course "Nachhaltiges Wassermanagement" (Sustainable Water Management) that I teach at the University of Frankfurt, Germany (Institute of Physical Geography).
Best regards,
Petra Döll
Ulla Mörtberg
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100749 times
given at the Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden:
Professor Per-Erik Jansson is responsible for the course, while I took part mainly in the course development and first year's WEAP modeling.
Best regards,
/Ulla Mörtberg
Ulla Mörtberg
PhD, Assistant Professor/ Forskarassistent
Dept of Land and Water Resources Engineering / Mark- och vattenteknik
Royal Institute of Technology / KTH
SE-100 44 Stockholm, SWEDEN
E-mail: Phone: +46 8 790 86 08
Mr. Hadi Alizadeh
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100736 times
I am M.Sc. student of Geospatial Information System and Remote sensing Department. we are using WEAP in a course on water resources by Dr.Kheirkhah (, to learn how we can use WEAP to simulate water allocation scenarios spatially in reservoirs.
our department and university name is:
"Geospatial Information System (GIS) and Remote sensing Department, College of Environment, Science & research branch of islamic azad university , IRAN"
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/25/2011 Viewed: 100726 times
Hi. I am a professor of Geoecology and Environmental Science department of National University of Mongolia. We are planning to use WEAP in our water related MSc courses.
Prof. Alireza Dariane
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/26/2011 Viewed: 100698 times
I Have been using WEAP in my graduate student's thesis.
I am planning to use it in "water resources analysis II" course starting current semester as a simulation tool for multi-reservoir system operation.
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/26/2011 Viewed: 100685 times
Hi Jack,
Thank you very much for your kind support.
We are in the Water and Environment Center (WEC) at Sana’ university have been using WEAP for academic purposes in the Master program of IWRM courses:
- Integrated watershed management
- Integrated water shin management
- Hydrology and water management
I Have been using WEAP in my graduate student's thesis.
within 4 years the WEC’s staffs under supervision of Dr. Abdulla Noaman have implemented the following studies using WEAP model, the studies are:
1- Integrated watershed management for the Sana’a basin using WEAP
2- Adaptation for water scarcity for the Yemen’s vulnerability community using WEAP
3- Climate change adaptation for water resources and Agriculture in Yemen
Best regards
Abdulla Noaman
Head of civil engineering department at Sana’a university, Yemen
Our website address is:
Dr. Abbas Al-Omari
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 3/2/2011 Viewed: 100632 times
Dear Jack Sieber
At the Water and Environment Research and Study Center (WERSC) of the University of Jordan we have a graduate program in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) which is taught jointly by WERSC and the Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT) of Cologne University of Applied Sciences in Germany. Over the last four years of the program life, three students have used WEAP in their master's thesis. The titles of the thesis are as follows:
SYSTEM, by Ali Hayajneh
2. Reallocation of Irrigation Water in the Jordan Valley by Rasha Sharqawi,
3. Vulnerability of irrigated agriculture due to climate change in the lower Jordan River Basin by Marc Hearing,
They have very good learning material in hydro-power
Best regards
Martin Parkes
(Former Sokoine U A teacher)
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 3/7/2011 Viewed: 100597 times
I have compiled all the responses I have received on university courses that include WEAP in their curriculum (28 so far). To see the table, go to or click "University Courses" in the menu on the left.
Prof. Carlos Pascual
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 3/8/2011 Viewed: 100568 times
I used WEAP when I was in the Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines in some courses in hydrology and renewable energy-hydro projects.
Now at Future University-Sudan, I already introduced the software to my GIS and Remote Sensing Students. They find it user-friendly the manual. Please keep posted for any development and future training in Africa.
Carlos Pascual
Faculty of Geoinformatics
Space Technology Center
Future University
Khartoum, SUdan.
Deleted User
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 3/10/2011 Viewed: 100509 times
Hello Jack
We are use WEAP in Colombia
Course: Integrated Water Resources Management
Dept: Environmental Sciences
Faculty: Environmental Management
Univ: Universidad Tecnológica at Pereira.
Inv. Group: Ecology, Engineering and Society
Carlos Andrés Sabas
Mr. Hadi Alizadeh
Subject: Which Universities Are Using Weap In Their Courses? Posted: 3/12/2011 Viewed: 100470 times
College of Environment, Science & Research Branch of Islamic Azad University using WEAP in a course on water resources by Dr.Kheirkhah* ; to learn how we can use WEAP to simulate water allocation scenarios
* = Dr.Mir Masoud Kheirkhah Zarkesh You can contact with Dr.kheirkhah
Ms. RAKOTONDRABE felaniaina
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 3/13/2011 Viewed: 100494 times
I Have been using WEAP in my graduate student's thesis (DEA) on 2006-2007 With the University of Antananarivo,Madagascar,Ecole Polytechnique d'Antananarivo,Département Mines Option Génie Minéral,Spécialisation Hydrogéologie
Best Regard!
Prof. Gerardo Sanchez Torres
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 3/14/2011 Viewed: 100475 times
Dear Jack:
I was assigned to teach a new 24-hour seminar on Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management within our Environmental Engineering doctoral program, where I will use WEAP as a modeling tool. This seminar will be offered each year during April-May. This year the seminar will start on April 15th, and will be finished on May 20th.
Best regards,
Dr. Gerardo Sánchez Torres Esqueda
Professor, Graduate Division
School of Engineering
State University of Tamaulipas
89339 Tampico, Tamaulipas
Dr. Juan Suarez
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 3/15/2011 Viewed: 100466 times
Course title: Rehabilitación de acuíferos
Facultad de Agrobiología
Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala graduate course
Professor: Dr. Juan Suárez Sánchez
Dr. Offoro Kimambo
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 7/12/2011 Viewed: 99838 times
Dear Jack!
Probably the courses mentioned below gonna use WEAP in future. Based on the skills, knowledge and experiences that i acquinted during my short course in The Netherlands am sure "they must and they gonna use it".
New Course: Irrigation and Water Resource Enginearing
Faculty of Agriculture
Sokoine University of Agriculture
Course: Environmental Sciences and Management
Faculty of Science
Sokoine University of Agiculture
Mr. Hayal Yimer
Subject: Which Universities Are Using Weap In Their Courses? Posted: 9/22/2011 Viewed: 98849 times
Dear Prof. Sieber,
I am from Ethiopia. My name is Hayal Desta Yimer. I am using SEI's Water Evaluation And Planning System (WEAP) in my institute as a support the course 'Water Resources Management' for undergraduate planning students at the Addis Ababa University, EiABC Campus, in the Ecosystem Planning and Management Chair. Currently I am preparing myself to apply the WEAP for my PhD research work.
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 10/24/2011 Viewed: 98486 times
Hi Jack,
as mentioned by Abbas Al-Omari above, in the framework of the "Integrated Water Resources Managment (IWRM) Bicultural IWRM Master Programme in Jordan and Germany" a one week WEAP block course was held in Cologne in 2010 and 2011.
title: EDSS
Institute for Technology and Resources Mangagement in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT)
Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Water and Environment Research and Study Center (WERSC) University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/12/2012 Viewed: 96647 times
Hi Jack:
I wish to inform that while CORPOURABA is not a university but a government institution in Colombia WEAP used for modeling the state of some of our watersheds.
Alberto Vivas Narvaez
Ms. elham haghverdi
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/19/2012 Viewed: 96538 times
Hi,I am M.Sc. student of Water Resources engineering, we are using WEAP in simulate water and link with other software. College of Agriculture, University of birjand, IRAN
My professor:dr abolfazl akbarpoor
Ms. Diana Jimena Monsalve
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/24/2012 Viewed: 96450 times
hello, I am master´s student of the University of Brasilia, and i am gonna use WEAP for my master´s thesis. The project will be developed into Distrito Federal , Brazil.
University: University of Brasília
Master program : Environmental technology and hydric resources Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor: Dra. Conceicao de Maria Albuquerque Alves.
Dr. Jobst Massmann
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 3/30/2012 Viewed: 96042 times
Hi Jack,
in the framework of the "Integrated Water Resources Managment (IWRM) Bicultural IWRM Master Programme in Jordan and Germany" a one week WEAP block course is executed every year since 2010.
graduate course
title: Decision Support Systems and Modeling
university/department: Institute for Technology and Resources Mangagement in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT)
Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 5/29/2013 Viewed: 90945 times
Hi Jack,
First of all, thank you for your recent support in securing WEAP License. We use WEAP as instructional tool at the Dept. of Civil Engineering, California State University, Sacramento (CSUS), California. Below are the list of UG/G courses and instructors:
CE 138- Introduction to Hydrology, Dr. Mohammad Rayej
CE 274- Hydrologic Modeling, Dr. Mohammad Rayej
CE 276- Groundwater Hydrology, Dr. Mohammad Rayej
CE 251- Water Resources System Analysis Dr. Saad Merayyan
Miss Lovasoa Christine RAZANAMAHANDRY
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 12/5/2013 Viewed: 88840 times
Hi Jack,
We are using WEAP during my graduate course (in 2011) in a course named "Water resources planning and management" at the university of Antananarivo, Madagascar in the High School of agronomics sciences (ESSA), department: "Water and Forest". This is our site web:
Best regards,
Mr. mohammed nabelsey
Subject: Which Universities Are Using Weap In Their Courses Posted: 3/29/2014 Viewed: 61876 times
Hello Jack .....
Thank you for this wonderful program
I want to tell you that your program is given as Rapporteur teaching at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Department of the University of Damascus Water Engineering as part of the decision (Water Resources Management) for the students of the fifth year.
Thank you again
Mohammed Nabulsi .....
Mr. Amer Mourad
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 4/7/2014 Viewed: 87019 times
Hi Mr Jack
I am a student in the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Damascus University and we're using WEAP in Water Resources course.
This course is not mandatory so not all the students have to study it. but generally WEAP is included in the course and about 30% of the students use it.
here is the link of our professor's facebook account ( Dr.Bassam Farkouh ): and the website of the university :
Dr. Avin Hakami
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 4/27/2014 Viewed: 87014 times
Hi jack
I am M.Sc. student of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering,Department of Water Engineering, Science and Researc
Azad University,Tehran,Iran,we are using WEAP in a course on water resources
title:Water Resources Management
Professor: Dr. Hossein Babazadeh
Dr. Imad Eddine Bouznad
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 4/28/2014 Viewed: 86976 times
I am a teacher UNIVERSITY Zian Achour Djelfa (Algeria), I étulise the weap theese for my PhD and also for a course of management of water resources in the Department of Earth Sciences and the universe for students of the second year each student must make a model of weap on a slope sousbassin of Algeria.
I see that the weap has helped many students to understand the concept of IWRM.
title: Water Resources Management
Professor: Imad Eddine BOUZNAD
Email: bouznad.imad @
Eng. Carlos Roman
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 9/23/2014 Viewed: 83963 times
We are using WEAP as part of a Professional Master's degree at the Universidad Mayor de San Simon (UMSS), in Bolivia.
Course: Integrated Water Survey, Integrated Basin Management.
Department: CLAS (as acronym of Center of Aerospatial Survey and SIG applications for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources... a bit long).
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 12/19/2014 Viewed: 82321 times
I am a student in Integrated River Basin Management at institute of water and Environment in Mekelle University, Ethiopia.
Currently, I am planning to use WEAP for my Msc thesis research which is entatiled" Impact of climate change on water availability of Shabelle River Basin in Somalia.
Wish I will get more information from the forum team about required data of the above mentioned topic.
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 1/26/2015 Viewed: 81611 times
I plan to use it in my course "Sustainable Water Resources Management" at the University of South Florida.This is agraduate course for MA in Global Sustainability.
I would be glad to get some sugestions from instructors who used it in their graduate courses.
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/17/2015 Viewed: 81200 times
Dear Mr Jack Sieber,
I use WEAP in my graduate course which the details are given below:
Country: Turkey
University: Celal Bayar University
Department: Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences – Civil Engineering
Course: INS 5251 Computer Models For Water Resources Management
Type: Graduate
Contact: Dr. Baris YILMAZ (
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 5/28/2015 Viewed: 79440 times
Dear Jack,
I use WEAP to teach analysis of water resource systems and water allocation process.
Country: Iran
University: Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
Department: Department of Civil engineering
Courses: Water Resources Systems Analysis
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 8/9/2016 Viewed: 69252 times
Delft University of Technology in Holland is using WEAP in the course Integrated Water Management with Professor Nick van de Giesen.
Two of the problem sets are:
1. Heating up of the Rhine due to climate change;
2. The effects of small reservoirs for irrigation in the Volta basin.
Dr. Behzad Hessari
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 9/18/2016 Viewed: 68409 times
Dear Jack,
I use and teach WEAP . My courses info are given below:
Country: Iran
University: Urmia University
Department: Water engineering department and also Urmia Lake Research Institute
Course: Water resources systems analysis & Water evaluation and planning system(WEAP) software
Email Contact: or Best regards,
Dr. Edwin Nyirenda
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 1/9/2017 Viewed: 66877 times
Dear Jack
I use WEAP in my graduate course
Course: Master of Engineering in Water Resources Engineering
Dept: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Univ: University of Zambia
Level: Graduate
Also some students used WEAP in graduate Thesis.
Dr. Edwin Nyirenda
Deleted User
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 1/13/2017 Viewed: 66827 times
Dear Jack,
We have been WEAP course in our Master Programme.
Programme: WATENV (Water Resources and Environment Management)(Master)
Course: Hydrological Modelling
Dept.: Institute of Hydrology and Water Resources Management
University: Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Mr. Bhathiya Thilakarathna
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/4/2017 Viewed: 66525 times
Dear Jack,
I'm doing my undergraduate project with Weap.
Programme : BEng Civil Engineering
Project Title : Socio-Environmental Impact of Water Pollution on the Hamilton-Canal, Sri Lanka
University : Northshore College of Business and Technology,Sri Lanka
Bhathiya Thilakarathna
Dr. Yutthana Phankamolsil
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 8/16/2017 Viewed: 61886 times
I use WEAP Model for teaching in Bachelor degree, and also apply to research in Mae Klong, Thailand
Course: KAED374 Water Resources Management
Environmental Engineering and Disaster Management Program
Mahidol University, Thailand Email:
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 8/22/2017 Viewed: 61867 times
Dear Jack,
We are in Department of Geophysic and Meteorology, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia ( uses WEAP as part of the course material into two courses namely:
1. Analitical System Hydrology (postgraduated)
2. RS/GIS application on Applied Meteorology (undergraduated)
3. Water Resources Management (future plan)
and several student uses WEAP as a tool for their researches
contact: I Putu Santikayasa, Ph.D
Mr. David Poblete
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 9/26/2017 Viewed: 61051 times
Country: Chile
University: Universidad de Valparaiso
Department: Civil Engineering
Course: EIC 422 - Hydrology
Type: Graduate
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 11/15/2017 Viewed: 59787 times
I am offering Water Resources Management as an undergraduate level course. The course requires use of WEAP for some exercises.
Course Title: Water Resources Management
Department: Department of Civil Engineering
University: Izmir Katip Celebi University
Course Level: Undergraduate
Best Regards,
Assistant Professor
Izmir Katip Celebi University
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Balatcik 35620, Cigli, Izmir
Eng. rouba ali
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 11/17/2017 Viewed: 59738 times
Syria.Tishreen University
Water resources development
Dr. bing zhang
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 12/7/2017 Viewed: 59107 times
I am teaching the undergraduate course "water resources and environment" in Tianjin Normal University this year.
Course Title: Water Resources and Environment
Department: School of geographic and environment sciences
University: Tianjin Normal University
Course Level: Undergraduate
Ph.D. Bing Zhang
Dr. Sukhmani Mantel
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 2/6/2018 Viewed: 57469 times
I will be teaching WEAP as part of:
Course Title: Hydrology module under Honours in Environmental Water Management
Department: Institute for Water Research
University: Rhodes University
Country: South Africa
Course level: Honours
Sukhmani Mantel
Eng. Maurice Binyebebe
Subject: University of Rwanda, College of Science and Technology, School of Engineering - Department of CEGE Posted: 10/2/2018 Viewed: 53569 times
I use WEAP as practical tools for optimization of water resources planning and management.
The module is WEE 4363: water resources management, the module taught Civil engineering, environmental and geomatics engineering students.
Er. Binyebebe Maurice, M.Tech.(SWCE)
Mr. Sissay Dechasa
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 5/6/2020 Viewed: 45094 times
Hello Dear;
I am teaching the undergraduate course "Water Resources Planning and Management" in Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia. So, I'm using WEAP as part of the course.
Course Title: Water Resources Planning and Management
Course Level: Undergraduate
Department: Water Resources Engineering
University: Adama Science and Technology University
Country: Ethiopia (Land of Origin)
Mr. Sissay Dechasa
Mr. Mekonnen Maschal Tarekegn
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 1/20/2021 Viewed: 41562 times
Hi there,
This is Mr. Mekonnen M. Tarekegn. Ethiopian Civil Service University, Department of Environment and Climate Change Management.
I am using WEAP integrated water resource management modeling tool in our post graduate level Courses such as - Fundamental of Environmental Sciences, Environmental Planning & Management and Advanced Natural Resource Management.
Kindly contact me ( if there is any technical training demands through our university.
Prof. Waleed Khalil Al-Zubari
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 11/8/2021 Viewed: 33599 times
the Arabian Gulf University uses WEAP as part of its curriculum in its Graduate Water Resources Management Program. it is taught in a course titled Water Resources Planning and Management.
I am the coordinator of the Program
Prof. Waleed K. Al-Zubari
Mr. Gonzalo Forero
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 4/11/2023 Viewed: 18188 times
Mr. Jack Sieber
Hoping all is well for you
In Colombia, south America WEAP is being used to do a two tank model using ERA5 data.
(course, university, professor):
(Environmental Modeling, Central University, Professor Gonzalo Forero).
(Climatology, El Bosque University, Professor Gonzalo Forero)
(Hydrology, Universidad El Bosque, Professor Gonzalo Forero)
(Geographic Information Systems, Universidad El Bosque, Professor Gonzalo Forero)
Gonzalo Forero
Dr. Jingshui Huang
Subject: Re: Which universities are using WEAP in their courses? Posted: 11/13/2023 Viewed: 13800 times
Dear Jack,
This is Jingshui Huang, a lecturer at the Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. I am teaching a course using WEAP.
Course Title: Transboundary water allocation under global change
Course Level: master students
Department: Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
University: Technical University of Munich
Country: Germany
I am happy to be part of the WEAP teaching community.