Use the Tags screen to view, edit and organize the tags you have created. Tags can be used for filtering the Schematic and Data Tree, and to filter, group and subtotal results in the Results View and the Scenario Explorer. Each WEAP dataset has its own list of tags, although you can export tags from one area and import them into another. Every object on the schematic can be assigned one or more user-defined tags, and tags can be grouped into user-defined tag categories.
Click the Create button to create a new tag, giving it a name, color, category and description. Rename an existing tag by clicking on its name, or by clicking the Rename button. The Delete button will delete the currently selected tag.
You can also create categories of tags and organize your tags within those categories. For example. you can make groups denoting location, river basin or economic sector. Click the Categories button to create, rename and delete items in the list of categories. These are optional -- if you choose not to create any categories, all tags will have category = "Uncategorized."
The tag colors can be used to color branches on the tree, according to their tags within a given category. For this reason, you should choose different colors for each tag in a category.
Click a column title to sort according to that column.
Export will save the list of tags to a CSV file; Import will create tags by reading from a CSV file. You can use Export and Import to copy a list of tags from one WEAP dataset to another.
See also: Tags (Overview), Tagging on the Schematic, Tagging Branches, Filtering, Using Tags to Filter, Group and Subtotal Results, Scenario Explorer, Tag API
Menu Option: Tags: Manage Tags...