Use the streamflow gauge object to facilitate comparing simulated and observed streamflows, both in terms of quantity and quality. On the schematic, place a gauge on the river of interest. Enter the data to specify the observed flow and water quality concentrations, typically using the ReadFromFile function. In Results, look at the Supply and Resources \ River \ Streamflow Relative to Gauge report to compare simulated and observed flows, and Water Quality \ Surface Water Quality to compare calculated and observed concentrations for each water quality constituent. The comparison is made between the gauge data and the simulated results at the river node immediately above the gauge. See Calibration Statistics for information on how WEAP will use these observations to calculate calibration statistics.
Entered on: Data View, Branch: Supply
and Resources \ River \ Streamflow Gauges, Category: Inflows and Outflows,
Water Quality, Tab: Streamflow Data, <Constituent> Concentration