
 Editing the Tree

The branch structure underneath the top-level branches Key Assumptions and Other Assumptions, and under each demand site under the top-level branch Demand Sites, is edited directly from the tree, much like the tree in Windows Explorer. You can rename branches by clicking once on them and typing, and you can expand and collapse the outline by clicking on the +/- symbols to the left of each branch icon. Additional options to edit the tree are accessed by right-clicking on the tree and selecting an option from the pop-up menu that appears, or by using Tree menu.

Add is used to add a new branch as a "child" of the highlighted branch.

Rename allows you to rename a branch. Alternatively, you may click on the branch, wait a second, then click again to be put into edit mode.  You cannot rename "Key Assumptions" but you can rename "Other Assumptions."  

Delete is used to delete the current highlighted branch and all branches underneath it. You will be asked to confirm the operation before the branch is deleted, but bear in mind that a delete cannot be undone. Note, however, that you can exit WEAP without saving your data set to restore it to its status prior to the previous Save operation.

Sort by Name (all levels below): orders all branches alphabetically at all levels below the selected branch.

Sort by Name (just one level below): orders only the one level of branch that is below the selected branch. For example, to order the list of demand sites alphabetically but leave each demand site's sector branches unsorted, this option would be selected when right-clicking on the "Demand Sites" branch.

Lock / Unlock: Toggles locking/unlocking of branches to prevent them from being deleted or having their data edited.  When you lock or unlock a branch you will also be given the option to lock/unlock all child branches below the highlighted branch.

Cut Branches is used to mark a branch and all branches below it to be cut. Later when you select Paste Branches (), the marked branches will be moved to the new position selected in the tree. Notice that, unlike a conventional cut operation in a standard Windows program, the cut operation does not actually delete the branches, nor does it copy the branches to the Windows clipboard.

Copy Branches is similar to the Cut operation except that on the Paste operation, branches are subsequently copied not moved.

Auto-Expand specifies whether the branches in the tree automatically expand and collapse as you click on them.

Expand All fully expands the tree.

Collapse All fully collapses the tree.

Outline Level expands or collapses the tree to show all branches up to the selected level of depth.

Font is used to change the typeface and size of displayed tree.

Drag and Drop Editing of Branches

You can also move branch (and all branches below it) by dragging and dropping it onto another branch. To copy rather than move a branch, hold down the Ctrl key and then click and drag the branches. This approach allows you to rapidly create data sets, especially those containing many similar groups of branches (for example a household subsector with many similar disaggregated end-uses).

See also: Tree Overview