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All Topics | Topic "New Version of WEAP Available"
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Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: New Version of WEAP Available   
Posted: 8/5/2005 Viewed: 34508 times
New Version of WEAP Available Jack Sieber jsieber <a href="mailto:jsieber@tellus.org">jsieber@tellus.org</a>The new version includes the following:

- Financial planning module: Attach revenues, capital costs and operating costs to individual elements (demand sites, transmission links, return flow links, wastewater treatment plants, groundwater sources, reservoirs, etc.), either as fixed annual costs or as costs per unit of water. Other uncategorized costs can be entered as "other system costs" (capital, operating and revenue). All of these costs can vary by year or by scenario. Use the LoanPayment function to calculate loan payments on capital costs. Results include net costs, average cost of supplied water, and net present value.

- Water quality inflow constraints: Set optional constraints on maximum concentration of inflow to a demand site, from all sources mixed.

- Water quality gauge data: Enter data for water quality concentrations at various points in the river. WEAP will display a report comparing these data with model results. This ability is similar to the current option for entering water flow data in streamflow gauges, for reporting.

- Disaggregated pollution generation: Data on demand site pollution generation, either by intensity or concentration, can now be entered at any level of disaggregation below the demand site level on the tree.

- Running count of model elements: The legend on the Schematic View shows the total number of each element defined, e.g., if 5 demand sites exist, it will read Demand Site (5).

- Save small models in evaluation version: The unregistered evaluation version of WEAP can now save small models--6 nodes or fewer and 3 rivers or fewer.

If you are connected to the Internet when you start WEAP, it should find this new version and offer to download and install it automatically. You can also go to the WEAP menu: Help, Check on Internet for New Version.

If you have problems updating, you can download the full installation of WEAP from http://www.weap21.org/index.asp?doc=09a

The User Guide has also been updated, and can be read or downloaded from http://www.weap21.org/index.asp?doc=08


Jack Sieber
Senior Scientist
Stockholm Environment Institute-Boston
11 Arlington Street
Boston, MA 02116
phone: (617) 266-8090
fax: (617) 266-8303
Topic "New Version of WEAP Available"