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All Topics | Topic "Connection reservoir-other supply node"
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Mr. Mattia Digiusto

Subject: Connection reservoir-other supply node   
Posted: 1/12/2025 Viewed: 614 times

I need to model the storage of a reservoir for drinking water supply and insert data about hydropower production. In a previous model, due to lack of data, I replaced the reservoir with a "other supply" node and linked it to the districts the reservoir supplied with water.
Since I would like to keep the other supply node because of its simpleness (only the inflow must be inserted), is there a way to connect the reservoir node with the other supply node?
I tried both with a diversion and a transmission link but didn't work.
Thanks a lot for your help!

Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: Connection reservoir-other supply node   
Posted: 1/13/2025 Viewed: 603 times
Hello Mattia,

I recommend to try implementing the inflows in a river node object as the headflow. The river inflow will always bring the specified inflow into the model domain, where it will flow to any downstream demands or rivers. The other supply on the other hand, will only deliver enough water to fulfill any connected downstream demands, but will not send any excess water to downstream rivers.

Hope this helps!
Mr. Mattia Digiusto

Subject: Re: Connection reservoir-other supply node   
Posted: 1/23/2025 Viewed: 238 times
Hello Doug,

Thanks for the quick response!
So you mean it would be convenient to replace the "Other supply" node with a river and link the reservoir to the river through a transmission link? And then connect the river to the different demand nodes to fulfill water demand in the districts?
Thanks a lot

Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: Connection reservoir-other supply node   
Posted: 1/23/2025 Viewed: 225 times

There are multiple ways to configure the schematic. A transmission link can flow directly from a river or an other supply node into a reservoir. A reservoir can also be placed directly on a river node. Transmission links may flow out of either a reservoir or a river.

In this case, you could build your mini River (representing the replacement of your Other Supply Node) and then put the reservoir directly on top of it. Then, connect transmission links from the reservoir to your transmission link. But there could be many different ways to build it and there is not a single correct answer. In general, I'd recommend to build the most simple, clear, and understandable schematic that you could communicate to an outside audience.

Good luck!

Topic "Connection reservoir-other supply node"