Subject: Viewing the schematics Posted: 12/8/2016 Viewed: 13628 times
Hi -
For some reason, I can no longer see the nodes nor the arrows indicating the flow direction. I also cannot zoom out to view the whole schematic. I can only do that to a certain extent (which does not suffice to show the whole schematic).
Any advice?
PS: I tried to increase the node size (right click - set node size). This does not work either.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Viewing the schematics Posted: 12/9/2016 Viewed: 13611 times
Hi Rania,
A couple ideas:
1) Have you opened and closed WEAP? This usually fixes the zooming issue.
2) It sounds to me like you may have unchecked the box in the schematic that allows the nodes to be shown. In the box where you pull the nodes from to build them on the schematic, there are boxes to the left with checks in them. Are some of them unchecked?
3) I also noticed that you do not have a license. If you're using WEAP without a license, that might also be your problem. Please request a license in your own name at