Subject: each crop area Posted: 7/10/2016 Viewed: 15082 times
urgent need answer
i use mabia method ,but i do do not know how can i enter the area for each
crop in my crop pattern and also i want to know how i can enter the water source for each crop?
thanks a lot
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: each crop area Posted: 7/11/2016 Viewed: 15035 times
There is a detailed tutorial on using the MABIA method in WEAP here:
Subject: Re: each crop area Posted: 7/14/2016 Viewed: 15019 times
hello dear sieber
Thanks alot ,it is very useful .I get my answears.
but i have a problem ,when I do the enter the data as it written
in tutorial step by step ,my results is not equal to the tutorial.I check all my work but I do notb khow why my results are not the same as the tutorial results
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: each crop area Posted: 7/14/2016 Viewed: 15004 times
Dear Narmin,
It's hard to know where your problems are, but I would suggest viewing the results section very carefully. A lot can change, just by selecting a different feature to view in the results menu. You may be looking at demand, but for which demand site? (for example). So when comparing your results and the results in the tutorial, could that be the issue?