Subject: evaporation datas Posted: 6/7/2016 Viewed: 14444 times
hello.thanks for your helping.
i want to use evaporation data in weap where should i enter the evaporation datas؟
What kind of evaporation data do you have? Where is the evaporation coming from?
Snr. narmin rahmati
Subject: Re: evaporation datas Posted: 6/8/2016 Viewed: 14418 times
hello dear ms galaitsi
Itake the datas from the Iran national documents.
i want to calibrate the model first. but i do not know how to do it?
First you will need to enter your data and then calibrate the model. Evaporation data can be entered in reservoirs (net evaporation) and within the simplified coefficient method (ETref). In the rivers you can enter evaporation data as a percent of flow.
Which evaporation data are you looking to enter?
Snr. narmin rahmati
Subject: Re: evaporation datas Posted: 6/10/2016 Viewed: 14358 times
hello dear Ms Galaitsi
I want to enter the evaporation of each crop for example wheat ,tomato, etc.
You can enter ETref (reference evapotranspiration data, under the Climate tab) for different crop types using the Simplified Coefficient Method for your catchments. See the Hydrology module in the WEAP tutorial ( for details.
The MABIA method for catchments also allows you to enter or calculate ETreference data.