Subject: Soil Library - Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Values Posted: 5/14/2016 Viewed: 15007 times
Dear WEAP Team members,
I would like to ask you some questions about soil library.
In setup phase of my hydrological model, I compared 'WEAP soil library' with 'ROSETTA Class Average Hydraulic Parameters' and realised a minor problem.
There are 'Saturated hydraulic conductivity values (Ks)' in soil library but it fact those values must be 'saturated water contents (theta s)'. I guess, just coloumn heading is wrong, don't think it affects calculations.
But in that case, where are the 'sat. hydr. cond.' values in library? I specified soil water capacity using soil library, and left blank Saturated hydraulic conductivity value (any catchment/land use/sat. hyd. cond.).
I am curious about that must we enter this value in data manually?
I will be glad, If you could clarify this issue.
Mr. Salim Yaykiran
Subject: Re: Soil Library - Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Values Posted: 5/16/2016 Viewed: 14878 times
Also I realised that when I left blank Saturated hydraulic conductivity (any catchment/land use/sat. hyd. cond.), program use 'theta s' value from library, instead of 'Ks' for calculations.
I think it is an important issue!
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Soil Library - Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Values Posted: 5/16/2016 Viewed: 14861 times
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. You are correct. The values in the soil library for saturated hydraulic conductivity are incorrect. I will fix this in the next version of WEAP. For now, you can enter the values yourself.
Here are the correct values for saturated hydraulic conductivity, in mm/day:
Subject: Re: Soil Library - Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Values Posted: 5/18/2016 Viewed: 14814 times
Alright. Thank you for this information...
Mr. Salim Yaykiran
Subject: Re: Soil Library - Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Values Posted: 5/26/2016 Viewed: 14770 times
Also I noticed that; when I change values in soil library, it doesn't affect results. We must enter from 'sat. hyd. con.' for each catchments.