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All Topics | Topic "Input Data Help"
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Mr. Ahmed Rafique

Subject: Input Data Help   
Posted: 4/12/2016 Viewed: 32879 times

I am having confusions related to input data (supply and resources). I have daily inflow data for rivers. Should I write the sum of inflow values for 30 days or should I take average? Lets assume that flow is 10 cfs and it is constant for 31 days of January. In this case, should i use "10" as input or 31*10 = 310 cfs.

I have same confusions with the demands as well. I have daily demand values data. Should I sum it or should I use the average?

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Input Data Help   
Posted: 4/13/2016 Viewed: 32841 times
Hi Ahmed,

Are you entering data into the river to drive your model? I might suggest using a catchment method instead because you will have more flexibility for looking at the future. Just a thought.

Anyway, if you are entering headflow data, I would use an average CFS value for each month (make sure CFS is the unit you've got in WEAP - it defaults to CMS) because CFS is a flow rate, which you would not want to sum.

For demand data, look at the way you enter demand data in WEAP. Water demand is entered the variable 'Annual Water Use Rate' so you should enter data for the whole year (per unit of 'annual activity level').

Mr. Ahmed Rafique

Subject: Re: Input Data Help   
Posted: 4/13/2016 Viewed: 32828 times
Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for the reply.
It is actually need of the project to use inflow data.
On the basis of above example, I have to use 10 cfs? Is it correct?

Can I just use annual water use rate? Because I don't have information about annual activity level. I just know the diverted flow from the river to meet the demands D/S. From the diverted flow (cfs), I am calculating the Volume (Annual Demand in ft3). Is it ok?


Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Input Data Help   
Posted: 4/14/2016 Viewed: 32815 times
Hi Ahmed,

For the inflow data, I would use the average of the daily flow data for each month because it is a flow rate. For your example above, that would be 10 CFS.

You enter data for total demand site water in the annual water use rate tab. If you want to enter water use per person, or per hectare, (for example) you'd have to also enter data in the activity level tab.

Mr. Ahmed Rafique

Subject: Re: Input Data Help   
Posted: 4/14/2016 Viewed: 32615 times
Topic "Input Data Help"