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All Topics | Topic "demand node"
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Eng. Ngu Soe

Subject: demand node   
Posted: 4/1/2016 Viewed: 15531 times
In my case,water is supplied from groundwater to storage tank and then to domestic site so,can i set "storage tank" as "demand node".

Thank you.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: demand node   
Posted: 4/1/2016 Viewed: 15521 times
Dear Ngu,

How does the storage tank factor into your model? Are you looking at volume over time? Does it store so much water that it can offset water shortages? Are there water shortages in groundwater?

Not all parts of a system's infrastructure need to be included in the WEAP model. If the storage tank is there as a place that the water passes through, but it doesn't change the way water is supplied, you probably do not need to include it in your model.

The question to ask is what drives the way that water is supplied to your domestic site? Is it the groundwater supply, or does this storage tank play a role too?

Either way, I would not use a demand site as the storage tank, because it has parameters to drive demand, not pass water through.
Topic "demand node"