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All Topics | Topic "Water year Method, Climate change."
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Eng. Mohammed Jamous

Subject: Water year Method, Climate change.   
Posted: 10/2/2015 Viewed: 15250 times

Please I need some help in my graduation project, I am studying the effect of climate change on Amman Zarqa Basin that is located in Jordan, and I have the precipitation data and the temperature data that is generated from the climate change module.
1- What data do I need to derive the fractions (1,1.2,0.7....) of the water year method year types (very dry, dry, normal, wet, very wet)?

And what if I have the precipitation and the average temperature of those years that I want to find the fractions for them relative to the normal year??

I want to know the statistical analysis method to do this.

2- If I have the precipitation data and the temperature data that were generated from the climate change module, and I want to create a Climate Change scenario in weap, is creating a catchment in the current account and then switching to the Climate Change scenario then changing the precipitation data under the climate tab in that catchment data is the right way to create a climate change scenario?

Also, how am I suppose to use the temperature data in weap? I don't know where to input that data or how to calculate it is impact on evaporation in weap?


Thank you in advance.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Water year Method, Climate change.   
Posted: 10/19/2015 Viewed: 15105 times
Hi Mohammed,

Thanks for these great questions.

1) In terms of deriving fractions for the Water Year Method, these would be for the future, so they are all stipulations. You may want to use the Water Year Method as a Monte Carlo analysis.

Alternatively, you could think about GCMs that are particularly relevant for the Amman Zarqa basin and try to represent those in the Water Year Method - but I think if you're going to all that trouble, you may want to model catchments instead of rivers.

2) To model climate change, I would do just as you suggested - create a catchment in the current accounts and then change the precipitation (and temperature?) data in the Climate Change scenario.

Also, whether or not you can model temperature for the catchment depends on the type of catchment modeling method you have selected. For example, the Rainfall Runoff (Soil Moisture Method) includes a place to enter temperature under the climate tab. The Rainfall Runoff (simplified coefficient method) does not.
Topic "Water year Method, Climate change."