Subject: Link SWAT and WEAP models? Posted: 6/16/2015 Viewed: 24132 times
I've construct a Hydrological model using SWAT model to simulate surface water resources in an catchment. I'd like to link the produced SWAT model to WEAP model ( Water Evaluation and Planning system software) to make Scenario analysis for water resources management (IWRM) such as :
1. What if population growth and economic development patterns change?
2.What if a more efficient irrigation technique is implemented?
3.What if the mix of agricultural crops changes?
4.What if climate change alters demand and supplies?
Can anyone tell how can I link these two model?
Many thanks in advance,
Mr. Chuck Young
Subject: Re: Link SWAT and WEAP models? Posted: 6/17/2015 Viewed: 24094 times
Hi Salam,
Thanks for your interest in WEAP.
To link a SWAT hydrology model to WEAP I would suggest that you:
1. recreate the stream network you have in the SWAT model in WEAP
2. extract the Surface water flow results for each SWAT HRU and put the results in a csv file.
3. Create a small fictitious river on the WEAP schematic at the location of each HRU. Set the headflow of the river to read the HRU flow in the csv file. Use the "ReadFromFile" command in the expression builder. Instructions for ReadFromFile can be found in the Help.
Please let me know if you have more questions.
Chuck Young
Mr. Salam Abbas
Subject: Re: Link SWAT and WEAP models? Posted: 6/18/2015 Viewed: 24086 times
Dear Mr. Young,
Thank you very much for you valuable answer. I'm very new user for WEAP and you response give me a preliminary idea about linking and in the result it will reduce the time to reach the goal (linking two models).
However, I have two questions.Firstly, the second point of yours suggestions you said (extract the Surface water flow results for each SWAT HRU and put the results in a csv file. )you now in result file of SWAT model there are (FLOW-OUT) and (FLOW-IN) shall I choose first or the second one or both of them.
Secondly, you know SWAT is a daily time step model but WEAP I think its monthly time step. So, how I can link two different time steps?
Mr. Chuck Young
Subject: Re: Link SWAT and WEAP models? Posted: 6/18/2015 Viewed: 24078 times
Hi Salam,
I am not very familiar with the SWAT output. I assume you want to use the FLOW-OUT result, however, you should study the documentation to confirm that you will not be under or over-counting the runoff. Perhaps another approach would be to extract streamflow results from the SWAT output at locations that will be the boundary for the WEAP model.
WEAP can run at daily or monthly (or weekly) timesteps. If you choose to run it with a monthly timestep you can have WEAP aggregate the daily values in the csv file using the Aggregation feature in the ReadFromFile function. This is explained in the Help file, see Help - Expressions - Functions - Modeling Functions - ReadFromFile.