Subject: Connecting Two Demand sites via Transmission Link Posted: 4/21/2015 Viewed: 18216 times
I would like to connect two demand sites, one upstream (1) of the other (2); deliveries from site 1 to 2 should be shorted if demands to site 1 are shorted.
What I am noticing with WEAP is that no matter how much the demands to site 1 are shorted, the deliveries to site 2 from site 1 are always complete and don’t reflect the shortage. Should this be the case or is there a way to work around it?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Connecting Two Demand sites via Transmission Link Posted: 4/23/2015 Viewed: 18199 times
Yes, WEAP can model this situation. You can reuse wastewater directly by connecting the demand sites with a transmission link. When you do this, the downstream demand site should have a lower priority than the upstream demand site. Any water not consumed by the upstream demand site is available to supply the downstream demand site.
Topic "Connecting Two Demand sites via Transmission Link"