Subject: Simulation intermidiate results Posted: 1/9/2015 Viewed: 19091 times
Is there any way:
1) to get (e.g. write in a csv or text file) intermidiate results before the end of simulation?
2) to pause and resume the simulation?
I have looked the COM-API interface but could not find anything relevant.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Simulation intermidiate results Posted: 1/9/2015 Viewed: 19074 times
1) You can write a script (VBS, Javascript, Python, etc.) to write out partial results, and call it from a calculation "Event" during calculation, such as at the end of each year calculated. On the menu, go to Advanced, Scripting, Edit Events.
2) No, there is no way to pause and resume calculations.
Eng. Ioannis Tsoukalas
Subject: Re: Simulation intermidiate results Posted: 1/9/2015 Viewed: 19068 times
Dear Jack thank you for your quick answer!
One last question; after getting the partial results can i write a script to abort the simulation?
Does WEAP support such function through COM-API?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Simulation intermidiate results Posted: 1/9/2015 Viewed: 19063 times
No, there is no way to use a script to stop calculations. You can always click the "Cancel" button yourself.