Subject: Evaluating water allocation and water balance ina basin Posted: 4/30/2014 Viewed: 22242 times
How do I carry out my study area delineation showing the different stream network for my catchment area modeling
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Evaluating water allocation and water balance ina basin Posted: 5/2/2014 Viewed: 22203 times
If you download the WEAP tutorial, the section 'WEAP in One Hour' includes instructions to create a new, blank study area. You will have to add the stream network into your map by drawing rivers (all the model elements are in the upper left screen -- click with your mouse and drag to where you want each element on your map). You can also include GIS shapefiles if you have them -- the instructions are also in the tutorial, in the same section. You can download the tutorial at
Let me know if this did not answer your question.
Topic "Evaluating water allocation and water balance ina basin"