Subject: Reservoir net evaporation Posted: 6/20/2013 Viewed: 25275 times
How net evaporation is calculated in WEAP21? user can specify the net evaporation of a reservoir in mm but in the results view net evaporation is displayed in million m3. how is this possiblie without a surface-elevation curve?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Reservoir net evaporation Posted: 6/20/2013 Viewed: 25258 times
WEAP does not need to calculate reservoir area. Instead, because you enter the volume-elevation curve, WEAP can translate the volume to an elevation, then subtract the height of the evaporation (mm) to get a new elevation, then reverse the volume-elevation curve to convert the new elevation to a new volume. Subtracting the new volume from the original volume is the volume evaporated.