We are trying to import a GIS based vector layer - with WGS1984 N38 projection, into WEAP for analysis in Armenia, however, it does not match the layer on the WEAP based world map. Please, advise in which projection we need to insert the GIS layer onto the WEAP map.
Also, I would appreciate very much if someone could advise how to insert water use coordinates taken by GPS directly into the WEAP model.
Thank you in advance.
Samvel Nahapetyan
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Vector Layer Projections Posted: 3/26/2013 Viewed: 25617 times
These layers are UTM Zone 38N. UTM is a projection, and is not the same as WGS84 unprojected. Therefore, it is not compatible with the WGS84 base layers that come with WEAP (Countries, States, Rivers, Cities). If you unload WEAP's base layers, you will be able to load your own UTM layers and then Set Area Boundaries to choose your area and see the layers on the Schematic.