Subject: Simulated monthly reservoir volume is different from observed Posted: 2/20/2013 Viewed: 25890 times
Hi Jack,
I am wondering how can I implement reservoir operating rule for a reservoir water release in WEAP. For example using IF and THEN statements. When I set a constant head for hydropower generation, the simulated reservoir volume stays almost constant at the reservoir capacity after 2 years of initial monthly simulation but the observed reservoir volumes are not constant in monthly time step.
Do you have any comments?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Simulated monthly reservoir volume is different from observed Posted: 2/21/2013 Viewed: 25879 times
Do you know the cause for the variation in the observerd reservoir storage? Is it because the operating rules vary by month? Or is it because the downstream demands vary monthly, which would cause the reservoir releases to vary?
Mr. Dumindu Jayasekera
Subject: Re: Simulated monthly reservoir volume is different from observed Posted: 2/21/2013 Viewed: 25839 times
The operator defines a period-by-period target reservoir level. When the storage is enough (at full capacity), the dam generates power at a maximum rating of 155 MW around the clock. When it reduces, water is released for power generation as planned in consideration of demand.
Do you know how to call simulated reservoir water level (volume) and write IF and THEN statement to declare (conditional) water release amounts.?
Thanks and appreciate your help.
Topic "Simulated monthly reservoir volume is different from observed"