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All Topics | Topic "Regional WEAP Conference in Amman, Jordan (2011)"
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Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Regional WEAP Conference in Amman, Jordan (2011)   
Posted: 12/14/2010 Viewed: 84071 times
2nd WEAP Regional Conference
Applying a Decision Support System As a Tool for Integrated Water Resources Management and Climate Change Adaptation
May 3-5, 2011, Amman, Jordan

Main Topics

* DSS for IWRM
* WEAP applications, mainly in the fields of
--- Integrated Water Resources Management
--- Climate Change Adaptation
--- Water Quality
* WEAP enhancements
--- Optimization
--- Soil water model
--- Water Policy and Socio-economic Aspects


Submission of abstracts: February 1, 2011
Acceptance of abstracts: March 1, 2011
Registration: April 1, 2011


- The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD)
- German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)
- Ministry of Water and Irrigation,Jordan


- Stockholm Environment Institute
- German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

The conference is free of charge. Travel and accommodation expenses have to be paid by the participant. Only for presenters of accepted papers the travel and accommodation expenses could be covered by the organizers.

For more information, and to download the brochure and registration form, go to http://www.acsad-bgr.org/activities/2ndconference.html

Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Regional WEAP Conference in Amman, Jordan: Call for papers and registration (2011)   
Posted: 2/3/2011 Viewed: 83025 times
The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended until February 15th.

2nd WEAP Regional Conference
Applying a Decision Support System As a Tool for Integrated Water Resources Management and Climate Change Adaptation
May 3-5, 2011, Amman, Jordan

Main Topics

* DSS for IWRM
* WEAP applications, mainly in the fields of
--- Integrated Water Resources Management
--- Climate Change Adaptation
--- Water Quality
* WEAP enhancements
--- Optimization
--- Soil water model
--- Water Policy and Socio-economic Aspects


Submission of abstracts: February 15, 2011
Acceptance of abstracts: March 1, 2011
Registration: April 1, 2011


- The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD)
- German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)
- Ministry of Water and Irrigation,Jordan


- Stockholm Environment Institute
- German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

The conference is free of charge. Travel and accommodation expenses have to be paid by the participant. Only for presenters of accepted papers the travel and accommodation expenses could be covered by the organizers.

For more information, and to download the brochure and registration form, go to http://www.acsad-bgr.org/activities/2ndconference.html

Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Regional WEAP Conference: Venue change from Tunisia to Amman, Jordan   
Posted: 3/28/2011 Viewed: 82016 times
The location for the Regional WEAP Conference scheduled for May 3-5 has been moved from Tunis, Tunisia to Amman, Jordan.

For more information and to register, see http://www.acsad-bgr.org/activities/2ndconference.html

Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Regional WEAP Conference: Location and list of abstracts   
Posted: 4/26/2011 Viewed: 81560 times
The 2nd Regional WEAP Conference will be held next week, May 3-5, at the Meridien hotel in Amman, Jordan: http://www.lemeridienamman.com/ For more information about this free conference, including registration form, see http://www.acsad-bgr.org/activities/2ndconference.html

The following is the list of presentations to be made at the conference. I hope to see you there!

Jack Sieber
Stockholm Environment Institute

"Assessing water policy risks by incorporating uncertainty associated with climate change and hydrological modelling into the water resource modelling approach," Julia Hall, Irish Climate Analysis and Research UnitS (ICARUS), NUI Maynooth

"Mathematical modeling using integrated water resources management in the Upper Orontes Basin, Syria," Dr. Bochra Khozam

"Assessing the impact of climate change on water resources in Lebanon using WEAP," Hamed Assaf, Ph.D, Abbas Fayad, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

"Addressing water and climate change issues through community building and technical analysis in Peru," Laura Read, The University of Texas at Austin, Environmental and Water Resources Engineering

"Applying WEAP as a tool for IWRM and Climate Change Adaptation in Yemen: Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in Wadi Surdud Drainage Basin," Dr. Abdullah Noaman, Dr. Mansour Haidera, Sana'a University, Faculty of Engineering

"Application of WEAP to Simulate Current and Future Water Resources in the Blue Nile Watersheds of Sudan as Affected by Climate Change," Prof. C.M. Pascual, Osman Babiker, Mohamed Yousif, Faculty of Geoinformatics, Future University, Khartoum, Sudan

"Development of a Multi Criteria Decision Making Tool for the Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP)," Hoda Roosta, Dept. of Water Resources Eng., University of Tehran

"Implementation of a Weap-Modflow model based on water demand derived by Remote Sensing in a semi-arid climate. The case of the Haouz Mejjate plain in Morocco," LE PAGE, Michel 1, Berjamy B. 2, Fakir Y. 3, Bourgin F.1, Huber M. 4, Wolfer J. 4, Tilborg H. 5, (1) CESBIO, Joint Research Unit(CNRS,UPS,CNES,IRD),France, (2) Agency of the Hydraulic Basin of Tensift, Morocco, (3) University Cadi Ayyad, Morocco, (4) Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany, (5) GTZ, German Agency for Technical Cooperation, Germany

"The Dynamics of IWRM Policies in a Water-Stressed Catchment in Kenya--Application of the WEAP21 Model," Erick M. Akivaga 1, Fred A. O. Otieno 2, Emmanuel. C., Kipkorir 3, Joel Kibiiy 1 , 1. Department of Civil and Structural Engineering Moi University, Kenya, 2. Technology, Innovations and Partnerships, DVC, Durban University of Technology, South Africa, 3. School of Environmental Studies, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya

"Evaluating the Sustainability of Groundwater Aquifers under Different Management and Climate Scenarios Using WEAP as a Tool, the Western Aquifer Basin as a Case Study," Muath AbuSaada 1,2, Martin Sauter 2, Jobst Massmann 3, 1. Palestinian Hydrology Group, 2. Geoscientific Centre, University of Gottingen, 3. BGR

"Optimum Water Allocation in Al-Azraq basin in Jordan using WEAP," Ali Hayajneh, Abbas Al-Omari, Hartmut Gaese, IWRM Master of Science

"Climate change impacts on water supply and demand in Rheraya watershed (Morocco), and potential adaptation strategies," S. ROCHDANE 1, B. REICHERT 2, M. MESSOULI 1, A. BABQIQI 3, 1- Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, 2- Steinmann Institut – Geologie Universität Bonn, 3-Environmental Observatory, Dep. of Environment, Marrakesh

"ALL_WATER_gw - Software for Groundwater Management Optimization within the Framework of the WEAP-MODFLOW DSS," Nouiri, Issam, National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia (INAT)

"WEAP-MODFLOW DSS for the Zeuss Koutine Aquifer in Tunisia: Evaluation of Climate Change and Use of Sea Water Desalinisation scenarios," Haddad, R. 1, Nouiri, I. 1+B23, Maßmann, J.2, Alshihabi, O. 3, Wolfer, J., Al-Mahamid, J., Huber, M., Tarhouni, J. 1, (1): National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia (INAT), (2): BGR, (3): ACSAD

"Evaluation of the current and future water balance of the Merguellil catchment and water management support and planning using the WEAP model," Ines Oueslati 1, Zohra Lili Chabaane 1, Diego Glafassi 2+B13, Marouen Shabou 1,3, Rim Amri 1,3, Kaitlyn Rathwell 2, Holger Hoff 2, Mehrez Zribi 3, (1) Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie (INAT), (2) Potsdam Institute for climate impact research (PIK), (3) Institut pour le recherche et le developpement (IRD) -Tunis - Tunisie

"A practical approach towards Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) - Mohafaza of Tartous, Syria," Ghaleb. Faour 1, Abbas Fayad 2, Berthold Hansmann 3, 1 National Center for Remote Sensing – CNRS Lebanon, 2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, American University of Beirut –Lebanon, 3 German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)

"Watershed Modeling Using Integrated Hydrologic Information System (HIS) – Lebanon," Abbas Fayad, Hamed Assaf, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, American University of Beirut –Lebanon

"Highlights of New Version of WEAP," Jack Sieber, Stockholm Environment Institute

Topic "Regional WEAP Conference in Amman, Jordan (2011)"