Subject: Units Posted: 5/5/2010 Viewed: 37743 times
For demand sites what must be the units if i'm going to use the "readfromfile" option and in this file my flows are in m3 for each year,i mean in annual use rate i put all the flow for a year i mean for example 4500000 m3?.
For my project in annual activity level i put 1, next in annual use rate i put the sum of all the flow for the twelve months, and in montly variation the percentages but the inflows and headflows are in CMS and they are very small , for example for january 2.0 m3/seg, so the unmet demand are very big; i think the units for demand site are wrong...
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Units Posted: 5/6/2010 Viewed: 37731 times
Check the unit you have for Annual Water Use Rate. It should be m^3. Otherwise, it sounds like you did everything correctly. If you still have unmet demand, perhaps there are other demands on the river that are using the water (other demand sites, instream flow requirements, or reservoirs needing to be filled)?