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All Topics | Topic "when I describe the river on map, how to track the river if the screen can;t show all map?"
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Xiao Jiujin

Subject: when I describe the river on map, how to track the river if the screen can;t show all map?   
Posted: 3/2/2009 Viewed: 35707 times
Dear all users,
When I describe the river on map, how to track the river if the screen can't show the whole map? Thanks,best regards!
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: when I describe the river on map, how to track the river if the screen can;t show all map?   
Posted: 3/2/2009 Viewed: 35699 times
Do you mean when you first drag and drop the river line to draw it on the Schematic?

Before drawing the river line, zoom out so that the whole map is shown. If you don't want to do this, you can also add more points on the river after you have initially drawn it. To extend the length of the river, click on the last point of the river (with the arrowhead) and drag it farther downstream. To add points along the river, just click on a straight section of the river and drag it to create a bend in the river.

Topic "when I describe the river on map, how to track the river if the screen can;t show all map?"