Subject: Overflow in local reservoirs Posted: 3/20/2008 Viewed: 32877 times
Overflow in local reservoirs Spyros Michas smichas smichas@hydroex.grI am using local reservoirs in a model I have set up on a montlhy time step. I need to have the monthly overflow volumes, but I have been unable to see where the reservoir overflow results are shown. In fact, it seems to me that overflow and evaporation are added together and shown in the Net Evaporation row, of the Reservoir->Inflows and Outflows table. Any ideas?
Spyros Michas
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Overflow in local reservoirs Posted: 3/20/2008 Viewed: 32862 times
Re: Overflow in local reservoirs Jack Sieber jsieber jack.sieber@sei-us.orgYou are right--evaporation and overflow from local reservoirs, which both represent flows from the reservoir to outside of the system, are lumped together in the Reservoirs Inflows and Outflows report as "Net Evaporation." When a local reservoir (one NOT on a river) reaches capacity and overflows, there is nowhere for the water to go to, so it just disappears as far as WEAP is concerned.