Many regions are facing formidable freshwater management challenges. Allocation of limited water resources, environmental quality and policies for sustainable water use are issues of increasing concern. Conventional supply-oriented simulation models are not always adequate. Over the last decade, an integrated approach to water development has emerged which places water supply projects in the context of demand-side issues, as well as issues of water quality and ecosystem preservation.
The Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP) aims to incorporate these values into a practical tool for water resources planning. WEAP is distinguished by its integrated approach to simulating water systems and by its policy orientation. WEAP places the demand side of the equation--water use patterns, equipment efficiencies, re-use, prices, hydropower energy demand, and allocation--on an equal footing with the supply side--streamflow, groundwater, reservoirs and water transfers. WEAP is a laboratory for examining alternative water development and management strategies.
WEAP is comprehensive, straightforward and easy-to-use, and attempts to assist rather than substitute for the skilled planner. As a database, WEAP provides a system for maintaining water demand and supply information. As a forecasting tool, WEAP simulates water demand, supply, flows, and storage, and pollution generation, treatment and discharge. As a policy analysis tool, WEAP evaluates a full range of water development and management options, and takes account of multiple and competing uses of water systems.
See also: Overview, WEAP Approach, Getting Started