Most reports can be displayed in either volume (e.g., m^3) , flow (e.g., CMS) or depth (e.g., mm) units. Depth units are derived by dividing the water volume by the area of each catchment or land class.
A detailed breakdown of inflows to and outflows from catchments and their sub land classes, including precipitation, snow melt, snow accumulation, ice melt, ice accumulation, surface runoff, irrigation, interflow, evapotranspiration, increase or decrease in soil moisture, increase or decrease in surface storage, and base flow.
The volume or depth of precipitation that fell on each branch in the catchment, not counting additions from snow melt
The accumulated depth of snow pack in the catchment (snow depth is the same for all land classes within a catchment), in melt water equivalent (MWE) depth. MWE is equivalent to Snow Water Equivalent (SWE).
Historical observations for accumulated depth of snow pack in the catchment, if entered in the Snow Accumulation Gauge data variable.
A side by side graph of Snow Depth results (Modeled) and Snow Gauge data (Observed), in melt water equivalent (MWE) depth. Calibration statistics are shown on the right underneath the legend, and also on their own tab ("Statistics"). You may select one or more of the following fourteen statistics to view (use the "Statistics" dropdown below the title to choose): N, Missing, NSE, KGE, NRMSE, PBIAS, RSR, LogNSE, InvNSE, SqrtNSE, RMSE, MAE, r, r^2. See Calibration Statistics for more information.
For land classes with ponding or flooding, such as rice paddies, the depth of water on the surface of the land class
For land classes with ponding or flooding, such as rice paddies, the area that is flooded.
For land classes with ponding or flooding, such as rice paddies, the volume of water on the surface of the land class
The monthly precipitation that is available for evapotranspiration (precipitation minus snow accumulation or plus snow melt)
The area for each of the land classes designated in the catchment
The air temperature in the catchment
Fraction of solar radiation striking a land class that is reflected -- albedo increases as snow depth increases
Maximum theoretical daily incident solar insolation per unit area--a function of latitude and day of year
The daily net energy per unit area from sunlight falling on each catchment, including effects of albedo, air temperature and relative humidity
The value of the Penman-Monteith reference crop potential evapotranspiration
The amount of water that would be consumed by evapotranspiration in the catchment if no water limitations exist.
The actual amount of water consumed by evapotranspiration in the catchment, including water supplied by irrigation
The amount of water in the top soil layer, as a percent of its maximum water holding capacity.
The amount of water in the lower soil layer, as a percent of its maximum water holding capacity.
The average fraction of irrigation water supplied that flows to surface water.
The average fraction of irrigation water supplied that flows to groundwater.
The total annual production from crops cultivated in the catchment
The total annual crop production multiplied by the market price for the crops
Depth of glacier ice (average). Only for catchments that model glaciers.
Volume of glacier ice. Only for catchments that model glaciers.
Area of glacier ice. Only for catchments that model glaciers.
The following results are all included in the Land Class Inflows and Outflows report, but are also available individually:
Water applied for irrigation (only for catchments and branches marked as irrigated). Includes any irrigation use of runoff, although this will not be visible when viewing results on the map.
Direct runoff of water (both precipitation and irrigation) from the surface of the land, before it has entered the top bucket through the runoff link to the surface water destination.
Subsurface flow from the top bucket through the runoff link to the surface water destination.
Flow from the top bucket to the connected groundwater node through the infiltration link. Only if the catchment is connected to a groundwater node (no bottom bucket).
Flow from the bottom bucket through the runoff link to the surface water destination. Only if the catchment is not connected to a groundwater node.
Net increase in soil water stored (top and bottom buckets combined) from previous timestep.
Net decrease in soil water stored (top and bottom buckets combined) from previous timestep.
Net decrease in water ponded on the soil surface from previous timestep. Only for branches using the Flooding method.
Net decrease in water ponded on the soil surface from previous timestep. Only for branches using the Flooding method.
Net increase in volume of snow (melt water equivalent) from previous timestep. This amount is subtracted from precipitation to get Effective Precipitation for ET.
Net decrease in volume of snow (snow water equivalent) from previous timestep. This amount is added to precipitation to get Effective Precipitation for ET.
Addition this timestep of new ice (melt water equivalent), from 12-month-old snow becoming ice. Only for catchments that model glaciers.
Melting of ice as runoff or infiltration (melt water equivalent). Only for catchments that model glaciers.
Volume of snow that transforms into ice (after twelve months, snow turns into ice). Only for catchments that model glaciers.
The following two results are available in the Demand section:
An irrigation shortfall in one timestep will cause an increased irrigation demand in subsequent timesteps because of the holdover soil moisture deficit. "Theoretical Catchment Irrigation Demand" will reflect only the demand from the current timestep's evapotranspiration, not counting any holdover soil moisture deficit from previous timesteps. Because calculating theoretical demand requires additional calculations, it may slow down calculations somewhat. If you turn off this variable -- see Customizing Result Variables -- it will not be calculated.
This is the annual sum of Theoretical Catchment Irrigation Demand minus the annual sum of Irrigation (Supply Delivered) to the catchment branch. This is the "actual" unmet demand, which is not based on the double counted irrigation demand that occurs in cases of irrigation shortage.