Once you have selected QUAL2K as the calculation method and linked WEAP's constituents to QUAL2K's, and entered water quality data for river headflows, surface water and groundwater inflows, climate, distance markers and wastewater generation and treatment, WEAP will be able to send data to QUAL2K, run QUAL2K, and retrieve results for each time step.
WEAP will send the following data to QUAL2K (listed by worksheet name):
QUAL2K: River name, Month, Day and Year of simulation
Headwater: flow rate and water quality of headflow
Air Temperature
Dew Point Temperature
Wind Speed
Cloud Cover
Point Sources: inflow rates and water quality from demand sites, wastewater treatment plants, tributaries (only if that tributary is not also modeled in QUAL2K) and net decreases in reservoir storage, and outflow rates from demand site withdrawals, diversions, reservoir evaporation, and net increases in reservoir storage.
Diffuse Sources: inflow rates and water quality from groundwater and surface water (not tributaries), and outflow rates to groundwater and evaporation.
After running the QUAL2K calculations, WEAP will read the following results (listed by worksheet name):
Temperature Output: mean water temperature
WQ Output: all other water quality constituents