
(These parameters apply to the Simplified Coefficient Method and the Soil Moisture Method. For the MABIA Method, see MABIA, Yield.)

Potential Yield

The maximum potential yield assuming an optimal supply of water (ETActual = ETPotential).

Yield Response Factor

Defines how the yield changes when ETActual is less than ETPotential: ActualYield = PotentialYield * (1 - YieldResponseFactor * (1 - (ETActual / ETPotential)))    ETActual and ETPotential are the totals for the season (from Planting Date to Harvest Date).  Larger values result in larger reductions in yield due to water stress.

Market Price

The market price of the crops.

Planting Date

Month of planting.  Yield is reduced if total ETActual is less than total ETPotential for the season (from Planting Date to Harvest Date).  Planting Date and Harvest Date are used ONLY to calculate yield reduction due to water stress (NOT for irrigation or other calculations).  If Planting Date is blank, will default to beginning of water year (timestep = 1).

Harvest Date

Month of harvest.  Yield is reduced if total ETActual is less than total ETPotential for the season (from Planting Date to Harvest Date).  Planting Date and Harvest Date are used ONLY to calculate yield reduction due to water stress (NOT for irrigation or other calculations).  If Harvest Date is blank, will default to end of water year (timestep = Num Timesteps).

See also: Simplified Coefficient Method Calculation Algorithm or Soil Moisture Method Calculation Algorithm

Entered on: Data View, Branch: Catchments, Category: Yield, Tab: Potential Yield, Yield Response Factor, Market Price.