Pollutant Loads

The pollutant load to a river node or reach is the sum of all the pollution from all connected demand site return flow links, catchment runoff links, treatment plant return flow links, groundwater inflows, headflows, upstream inflows, and other surface water inflows. WEAP assumes complete mixing of all inflows.

PollutionLoadNode,p =DSReturnLinkPollOutflowDS,Node,p + CatchmentRunoffLinkPollOutflowDS,,Node,p + TPReturnLinkPollOutflowTP,Node,p +GWPollutionFlowGW,Node,p + HeadflowPollutionRiver,p + OtherSWInflowPollutionToReachRch,p+ UpstreamInflowPollutionToReachRch,p